Modify Personal Information Form

Command link:     None
HTML document:  modpinfo.html

This customized file controls the appearance of the Modify Your Personal Information display in the patron record. If this file exists, the system uses it rather than a default display. This form uses the following tokens:

Token Function
<!--{pinfoform}--> The system replaces this token with the required <FORM> tags, personal information prompts specified in the MODIFY_PFLDS Web option, notification choices specified in the PATRON_NOTICES Web option, and Submit and Cancel links. Do not use this token in conjunction with the other tokens listed below.

To customize individual functions of this page, replace the <!--{pinfoform}--> token with the following tokens, as needed:

Token Function
<!--{formbegin}--> The system replaces this token with a correctly-formatted opening <form> tag. This token must be placed in the custom form before any form-related tokens. This token is required if you do not use the <!--{pinfoform}--> token.
<!--{newpinfo}--> This optional token is replaced by the following hard-coded message:
Please enter new information and press Submit
<!--{user_name}--> The system replaces this token with an input box for the patron's alternate ID.
<!--{addr1prompt}--> If you have set your MODIFY_PFLDS Web option to allow patrons to modify the a (ADDRESS) field, the system replaces this token with your organization's label for the ADDRESS field in the patron record.
<!--{addr1a}--> If you have set your MODIFY_PFLDS Web option to allow patrons to modify the a (ADDRESS) field, the system replaces this token with one form text entry line. If the user's patron record contains data in the ADDRESS field, the system populates this form text entry line with the first line of data from that field.
<!--{addr1b}--> If you have set your MODIFY_PFLDS Web option to allow patrons to modify the a (ADDRESS) field, the system replaces this token with one form text entry line. If the user's patron record contains data in the ADDRESS field, the system populates this form text entry line with the second line of data from that field.
<!--{addr1c}--> If you have set your MODIFY_PFLDS Web option to allow patrons to modify the a (ADDRESS) field, the system replaces this token with one form text entry line. If the user's patron record contains data in the ADDRESS field, the system populates this form text entry line with the third line of data from that field.
<!--{addr1d}--> If you have set your MODIFY_PFLDS Web option to allow patrons to modify the a (ADDRESS) field, the system replaces this token with one form text entry line. If the user's patron record contains data in the ADDRESS field, the system populates this form text entry line with the fourth line of data from that field.
<!--{addr2prompt}--> If you have set your MODIFY_PFLDS Web option to allow patrons to modify the h (ADDRESS2) field, the system replaces this optional token with your organization's label for the ADDRESS2 field in the patron record.
<!--{addr2a}--> If you have set your MODIFY_PFLDS Web option to allow patrons to modify the h (ADDRESS2) field, the system replaces this token with one form text entry line. If the user's patron record contains data in the ADDRESS2 field, the system populates this form text entry line with the first line of data from that field.
<!--{addr2b}--> If you have set your MODIFY_PFLDS Web option to allow patrons to modify the h (ADDRESS2) field, the system replaces this token with one form text entry line. If the user's patron record contains data in the ADDRESS2 field, the system populates this form text entry line with the second line of data from that field.
<!--{addr2c}--> If you have set your MODIFY_PFLDS Web option to allow patrons to modify the h (ADDRESS2) field, the system replaces this token with one form text entry line. If the user's patron record contains data in the ADDRESS2 field, the system populates this form text entry line with the third line of data from that field.
<!--{addr2d}--> If you have set your MODIFY_PFLDS Web option to allow patrons to modify the h (ADDRESS2) field, the system replaces this token with one form text entry line. If the user's patron record contains data in the ADDRESS2 field, the system populates this form text entry line with the fourth line of data from that field.
<!--{phone1prompt}--> If you have set your MODIFY_PFLDS Web option to allow patrons to modify the t (TELEPHONE) field, the system replaces this token with your organization's label for the TELEPHONE field in the patron record.
<!--{phone1}--> If you have set your MODIFY_PFLDS Web option to allow patrons to modify the t (TELEPHONE) field, the system replaces this token with one form text entry line. If the user's patron record contains data in the TELEPHONE field, the system populates this form text entry line with the data from that field.
<!--{phone2prompt}--> If you have set your MODIFY_PFLDS Web option to allow patrons to modify the p (TELEPHONE2) field, the system replaces this token with your organization's label for the TELEPHONE2 field in the patron record.
<!--{phone2}--> If you have set your MODIFY_PFLDS Web option to allow patrons to modify the p (TELEPHONE2) field, the system replaces this token with one form text entry line. If the user's patron record contains data in the TELEPHONE2 field, the system populates this form text entry line with the data from that field.
<!--{mobileprompt}--> If you have acquired the SMS Alerts product and you have set your MODIFY_PFLDS Web option to allow patrons to modify the o (MOBILE NUM) field, the system replaces this token with your organization's label for the MOBILE NUM field in the patron record.
<!--{mobile}--> If you have acquired the SMS Alerts product and you have set your MODIFY_PFLDS Web option to allow patrons to modify the o (MOBILE NUM) field, the system replaces this token with one form text entry line. If the user's patron record contains data in the MOBILE NUM field, the system populates this form text entry line with the data from that field.
<!--{emailprompt}--> If you have set your MODIFY_PFLDS Web option to allow patrons to modify the z (EMAIL ADDR) field, the system replaces this token with your organization's label for the EMAIL ADDR field in the patron record.
<!--{email}--> If you have set your MODIFY_PFLDS Web option to allow patrons to modify the z (EMAIL ADDR) field, the system replaces this token with one form text entry line. If the user's patron record contains data in the EMAIL ADDR field, the system populates this form text entry line with the data from that field.
<!--{notices}--> The system replaces this token with the choice of notification methods specified in the PATRON_NOTICES Web option.
<!--{homelibprompt}--> If the MODIFY_PFLDS Web option includes an H setting, the system replaces this token with the label for the home library pickup location.
<!--{homelib}--> If the MODIFY_PFLDS Web option includes an H setting, the system replaces this token with a drop-down list of library pickup locations for the patron to choose from. The list of valid locations is defined in the Hold Pickup Locations table.
<!--{ifhassms2}--> If this token is present, the system checks if the SMS Messaging product is enabled on the system. If so, the system interprets tokens and markup between this token and its closing <!--{xif}--> token.
<!--{smsmod}--> The system replaces this token with:
  • a checkbox for opting in to SMS Alerts
  • a link to the Terms and Conditions page
  • a message indicating the user's opt-in status for SMS Alerts
  • the full-text of the Terms and Conditions page
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{ifhassms2}--> block.
<!--{submit}--> The system replaces this token with a Submit button. The ICON_SUBMIT Web option controls the appearance of this button.
<!--{cancel}--> The system replaces this token with a Cancel button. The ICON_CANCEL Web option controls the appearance of this button.
<!--{formend}--> This token is replaced by a closing </FORM> tag. This token must be placed in the custom form after all form-related tokens. This token is required if you do not use the <!--{pinfoform}--> token.

The system does not validate data entered on this form.

You can create separate custom forms for each combination of language, scope, and patron type by using the following naming convention:

LANGThe language code (e.g., spi for Spanish, frc for French).
s#The number of the scope (e.g., s1, s2, s3).
p#The patron type or PTYPE (e.g., p0 or p243).

For a current example of this form, see the appropriate example set in WebPAC Example Sets and Photoshop Files on CSDirect.