Using SMS Alerts in the WebPAC

Using the SMS Alerts product, your organization can offer patrons the ability to receive library notices using SMS (Short Message Service), in addition to normal notices. SMS Alerts are intended as a supplemental notification for existing notification methods (phone, email, regular mail). SMS alerts do not replace the existing notification options.

Library patrons are "opted out" of SMS alerts by default and must enable this service through the patron record.

Setting Up SMS Alerts for WebPAC
Opting In and Out of SMS Alerts
See also:
Using SMS Alerts
SMS Alerts Automatic Text Messages
Modify Personal Information Form (modpinfo.html)
Patron Record Options
SMS Options
Opting Patrons Out of SMS Alerts (Non-U.S. Only)
Non-U.S. SMS Alerts Terms and Conditions File (sms_opt_intl.html - valid for non-U.S. libraries only)
User Messages Configuration File (messages.conf)