SMS Options

This page describes the Web options for the SMS Alerts product. Review these options to determine any necessary setup that your organization might need to perform.


This option defines the display properties for the link to the Terms and Conditions file (sms_terms.html). This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

ICON_SMSTERMS=<strong>Terms & Conditions</strong>

For a graphic link example:

ICON_SMSTERMS=<img src="/screens/smsterms.gif" alt="Terms and Conditions" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default:

ICON_SMSTERMS=Terms and Conditions

This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the warning message the system displays when a user opts out of SMS Alerts in the WebPAC. The value is:


Where [message] is a text message. For example:


If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default:

SMS_OPTOUT_WARN=You will be Opted Out of SMS

This option can vary by language.


This option defines the warning message the system displays when a user changes a mobile number when already opted in to SMS Alerts in the WebPAC. Users must complete a second opt-in after switching to a new mobile number. The value is:


Where [message] is a text message. For example:

SMS_PHONE_WARN=Enable SMS for this mobile number?

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default:

SMS_PHONE_WARN=You are changing your Mobile Number.

This option can vary by language.


Libraries operating in the United States must define this Web option when enabling SMS Alerts. If your library operates in the United States and this option is not defined, your SMS carrier might disable SMS Alerts for your library.

This option defines the library description listed under the Company Overview in the Terms and Conditions file. The option value is:


Where [text] is the description. For example:

SMS_TERMS_DESC=Innovative Public Library provides library services to the Emeryville metropolitan area.

This option can vary by scope, patron type (P TYPE), and language.


Libraries operating in the United States must define this Web option when enabling SMS Alerts. If your library operates in the United States and this option is not defined, your SMS carrier might disable SMS Alerts for your library.

This option defines the contact email entry listed under the Service/Help Info section in the Terms and Conditions file. The option value is:


Where [email] is the contact email address for your library. This value accepts HTML coding to enter a mailto: value. For example:

SMS_TERMS_EMAIL=<a href=""></a>

This option can vary by scope, patron type (P TYPE), and language.


Libraries operating in the United States must define this Web option when enabling SMS Alerts. If your library operates in the United States and this option is not defined, your SMS carrier might disable SMS Alerts for your library.

This option defines the name of the library sending SMS Alerts used throughout the Terms and Conditions file. The option value is:


Where [text] is the name of your library. For example:

SMS_TERMS_LIB=Innovative Public Library

This option can vary by scope, patron type (P TYPE), and language.