User Messages Configuration File
The User Messages Configuration file, also known as the messages.conf file, allows staff to define system messages for various system functions. If the CUSTOM_MESSAGES Web option is set to "true", WebPAC uses this file to define system messages instead of the system defaults.
The messages.conf file does not exist by default. To create a messages.conf file, complete the following steps:
- Create a messages.conf file using a text editor (such as Notepad).
- Using the Web Master function, upload the messages.conf file to your Live Web Server Configuration (Live Web Server Configuration - live (liveconfig)) directory.
Login Access
If you are unable to access the Live Web Server Configuration directory, verify your login has access in the Web Master Tab in Login Manager.
- Edit the messages.conf file in the Web Master function, if necessary.
- Set the CUSTOM_MESSAGES Web option to "true" to use the messages.conf file.
Each line contains an equals-sign delimited entry with the following fields:
To comment out an entire line, insert a pound ('#') sign before the first field in a line.
Field | Description |
[SYSKEY] | This is the system message key the system uses to identify the specific renewal error condition. Valid values are:
[MSG] | The message that displays in WebPAC. This field accepts HTML as well as plain text. |
The system uses the system message key ([SYSKEY]) values as follows:
[SYSKEY] Value | Message Description |
This message indicates the bibliographic record has no attached items or orders. This message is normally used for libraries that attach links to electronic resources in bibliographic records with no attached items or orders. This message accepts a %l placeholder. The system replaces %l with the location. If this message is not defined, the system uses the following default: 1 copy available at %l |
This message indicates the user has not entered information for an article request. If this message is not defined, the system uses the following default: You must submit some information in order to request an article from this journal. |
MG_COPY_CNCL | This message indicates that an order for a title was cancelled. This message accepts a %l placeholder. The system replaces %l with the location. |
MG_COPY_ORDER | This message indicates a copy is on order. This message accepts two placeholders: %l and %d. The system replaces %l with the location and %d with the date the item was ordered. |
MG_COPY_PROC | This message indicates a single copy of the item is being processed. This message accepts a %l placeholder. The system replaces %l with the location. |
MG_COPIES_PROC | This message indicates multiple copies of the item are being processed. This message accepts two placeholders: %n and %l. The system replaces %n with the number of copies and %l with the location. |
MG_COPY_STAT1 | This message indicates an item is under consideration. This message accepts a %l placeholder. The system replaces %l with the location. |
MG_COPIES_STAT1 | This message indicates a number of items are under consideration. This message accepts two placeholders: %n and %l. The system replaces %n with the number of copies and %l with the location. |
Status message indicating user must enter a new PIN for Innovative Integrated Login. If this message is not defined, the system uses the following default: Please enter a new pin |
Status message indicating the confirmation message for a booking cancellation. If this message is not defined, the system uses the following default: The following item(s) will be cancelled. Would you like to proceed? |
Status message indicating the cancellation or update of a hold. If this message is not defined, the system uses the following default: The following hold(s) will be updated. Would you like to proceed? |
Status message indicating the renewal of an item. If this message is not defined, the system uses the following default: The following item(s) will be renewed. Would you like to proceed? |
This message indicates the user has a single sign-on account but does not appear in the patron database. If this message is not defined, the system uses the following default: There are 0 users with supplied remote information. You must log in. |
MYLISTS_NONE_REMOVED | This message indicates no records matched records in the patron's reading history. |
MYLISTS_REMOVED | This message indicates the number of records removed from the user's list. This message replaces the %d placeholder with the number of records removed from the user's list. |
This message indicates a bibliographic record listed in a patron's list has been removed from the catalog. This message uses a %s placeholder to represent the bibliographic record number. If this message is not defined, the system uses the following default: Record %s is no longer available |
MYLISTS_REC_SAVED | This message indicates the system saved a single record to the user's list. This message replaces the %d placeholder with the number of records saved to the user's list. |
MYLISTS_RECS_SAVED | This message indicates the system saved multiple record to the user's list. This message replaces the %d placeholder with the number of records saved to the user's list. |
OP_STR_FINE | This message reflects any fines on record. |
OP_UP_TO_NOW | The "Up to now" message. |
OP_YOUR_LIST_MARKED | The "Your List of Saved Records" message |
PIN_REQ_NOEMAIL | The message indicates that the user must enter a valid email address for PIN reset requests. |
PIN_REQ_SUCCESS | This message indicates a successfully submitted PIN reset request. |
PIN_RESET_EXPIRED | This message indicates a PIN reset request has expired. |
PIN_RESET_FAILED | Error message indicating a PIN reset request has failed. |
PIN_RESET_SUCCESS | This message indicates the user has successfully reset a PIN. |
Status message indicating the user's PIN either exceeds the maximum PIN length specified by the MAX_PIN_LENGTH Web option or is less than the minimum PIN length specified by the MIN_PIN_LENGTH Web option. This message accepts a %d placeholder. The system replaces the first %d with the value of the MIN_PIN_LENGTH Web option and second %d with the value of the MAX_PIN_LENGTH Web option. If this message is not defined, the system uses the following default: Your pin must be %d to %d characters long Where %d is the value of the MIN_PIN_LENGTH or MAX_PIN_LENGTH Web options, respectively. |
Status message indicating there is a problem with the patron record. If this message is not defined, the system uses the following default: There is a problem with your record. Please see a librarian. |
Status message indicating the user has entered a trivial PIN. If this message is not defined, the system uses the following default: Your pin is not complex enough to be secure. Please select another one. |
Status message indicating the user has entered only numeric or only alpha characters in the PIN when the system requires a mix of alphanumeric characters as valid. If this message is not defined, the system uses the following default: Your pin should contain a mix of alpha and numeric characters |
Status message indicating the user has entered non-numeric characters in the PIN when the system only allows numeric characters as valid. If this message is not defined, the system uses the following default: Your pin must consist of numeric characters only |
PT_RENEWFAIL | Error message for failed renewals |
REN_IR_RECALL_DENY_RENEW | Status message indicating the item has been recalled and cannot be renewed |
REN_IS_OVERDUE | Status message indicating the item is overdue and cannot be renewed |
REN_NON_CIRC | Status message indicating the item cannot be renewed because it is no longer in circulation |
REN_NOT_ALLOWED | "Renewal not allowed" status for renewal messages |
REN_NOT_CHECKOUT | Error status message indicating the item has not been checked out |
REN_OK | Confirmation message for a successful renewal |
REN_ON_HOLD | Status message indicating the item is on hold and cannot be renewed |
REN_MESG1 | Renewal error message |
REN_TOO_MANY | Status message indicating there are too many renewals on the item |
REN_TOO_SOON | Status message indicating it is too soon to renew an item |
Status message indicating a request is denied due to a local copy being available. This message accepts two placeholders: %l for the item location and %s for the title. If this message is not defined, the system uses the following default: No hold required. You may pick up %s from the shelves at %l. |
Status message indicating the system cannot access the campus authentication system in order to validate the user's patron record. If this message is not defined, the system uses the following default: Currently unable to access campus identification information. Please see a librarian for assistance |
Status message indicating the system cannot validate the user's patron record using external patron verification. If this message is not defined, the system uses the following default: Unable to identify you through your campus identification. Please use your library identification or see a librarian for assistance. |
Status message indicating the user has input invalid information. If this message is not defined, the system uses the following default: Sorry, the information you submitted was invalid. Please try again. |
Status message indicating the system cannot validate the user using the provided login. If this message is not defined, the system uses the following default: Unable to identify you through your library identification. Please use your campus identification or see a librarian for assistance. |
Status message indicating the patron's ID is blocked from validating through NCIP. If this message is not defined, the system uses the following default: Your patron id has been blocked |
Status message indicating the system cannot validate the user due to an error with NCIP. If this message is not defined, the system uses the following default: Ncip Internal Error: please see librarian |
Status message indicating the user's patron ID has expired. If this message is not defined, the system uses the following default: Sorry, your patron id has expired. |
Status message used in a 2-PAC WebPAC setup indicating and the system cannot insert the PIN into the patron record. If this message is not defined, the system uses the following default: PIN insertion failed. |
Status message indicating that the two values entered during PIN creation do not match. If this message is not defined, the system uses the following default: PINs do not match. Try again! |
Status message indicating the user request requires a PIN. If this message is not defined, the system uses the following default: Sorry, PIN is needed. Please see librarian |
Status message indicating the patron has opted in to SMS messaging. If this message is not defined, the system uses the following default: Your Opt In status is: opted in |
Status message indicating the patron has not opted in to or has opted out of SMS messaging. If this message is not defined, the system uses the following default: Your Opt In status is: not opted in |
Status message indicating the patron has opted in to SMS messaging but has not completed the optin process by responding to the initial SMS message. If this message is not defined, the system uses the following default: Your Opt In status is: pending |
Status message indicating the patron has opted out of SMS messaging but the system has not completed the opt-out process. If this message is not defined, the system uses the following default: Your Opt Out status is: pending |
Status message indicating the patron's carrier or gateway service has rejected the patron's SMS opt-in request. If this message is not defined, the system uses the following default: Your Opt In status is: rejected |
Status message indicating the patron's carrier or gateway service has rejected the patron's SMS opt-in request because the mobile number is already in use. If this message is not defined, the system uses the following default: Your Opt In status is: rejected because this number is already in use. |
USER_NAME_CHARS | Status message indicating an input alternate ID contains invalid characters |
USER_NAME_DUP | Status message indicating an input alternate ID already exists on the system. This message replaces the %s placeholder with the input string for the alternate ID. |
USER_NAME_LENGTH | Status message indicating an input alternate ID is too short or too long. |
You can create separate renewal messages configuration files for each combination of scope and language by using the following naming convention:
s# | The number of the scope (for example, s1, s2, s3). |
lang | The language code (for example, spi for Spanish, frc for French). |
The following is an example messages.conf file:
# Renew messages REN_RECALLED = RECALLED REN_OVERDUE = OVERDUE REN_NOT_ALLOWED= RENEW NOT ALLOWED REN_TOO_SOON = TOO SOON TO RENEW REN_NOT_CHECKOUT = ERROR NCO REN_IR_RECALL_DENY_RENEW= ITEM RECALLED REN_TOO_MANY = TOO MANY RENEWALS REN_ON_HOLD = ON HOLD REN_NON_CIRC = DOESN'T CIRCULATE REN_IS_OVERDUE = ITEM IS OVERDUE REN_OK = RENEWED REN_MESG1 =<h2>More than 300 items renewed. To renew more items, please quit and then retrieve patron record again and then renew additional items.<h2> OP_STR_FINE =FINE OP_UP_TO_NOW =up to now PT_RENEWFAIL =Not all renewals were successful. See details below # PIN Reset Request Messages PIN_REQ_NOEMAIL =A valid email address is required to complete this request. Please contact your librarian for assistance. PIN_REQ_SUCCESS =A message has been sent to the email address we have on record for you. Please follow the instructions in that message to reset your PIN. If you do not receive an email, please contact your librarian for assistance. PIN_RESET_EXPIRED=This request has expired. Please try logging in again or place a new request to reset your PIN. PIN_RESET_FAILED =Unable to process request. Please contact your librarian for assistance. PIN_RESET_SUCCESS=Your PIN has been changed. # Order Messages MG_COPY_PROC=1 copy being processed for %l. MG_COPIES_PROC=%n copies being processed for %l. MG_COPY_CNCL=Order cancelled for %l. MG_COPY_STAT1=1 copy under consideration for %l. MG_COPIES_STAT1=%n copies under consideration for %l. MG_COPY_ORDER=1 copy ordered for %l on %d. MG_COPIES_ORDER=%n copies ordered for %l on %d. # My Lists Messages OP_YOUR_LIST_MARKED = Your list of Saved Records MYLISTS_NONE_REMOVED=No matching records found in Reading History. MYLISTS_REMOVED=%d records removed from your list. MYLISTS_REC_SAVED=%d record saved to your list for later. MYLISTS_RECS_SAVED=%d records saved to your list for later. #Alternate ID Messages USER_NAME_CHARS=The user name may only contain letters and numbers. Please try another name. USER_NAME_DUP=Your user name %s is already taken. Select another. USER_NAME_LENGTH=The User Name should be between 6 and 25 characters. Try again. #SMS Messages SMS_STATUS_OPTED_IN=Your Opt In status is: opted in SMS_STATUS_OPTED_OUT=Your Opt In status is: not opted in SMS_STATUS_PENDING_OPTIN=Your Opt In status is: pending SMS_STATUS_PENDING_OPTOUT=Your Opt Out status is: pending SMS_STATUS_REJECTED=Your Opt In status is: rejected