Implementing the Innovative Integrated Login Page

Innovative offers the Integrated Login feature for products such as the WebPAC and Research Pro to provide users with a single authentication interface for multiple Web applications running on different servers. If enabled, Integrated Login replaces patron verification for individual functions such as WebPAC.

Note that if your library uses the Integrated Login feature, the system sets the second value of the MY_WEBPAC wwwoption to '3', and the system automatically logs in the patron to My Account when authenticated through Integrated Login.

Integrated Login requires the following:

  • Innovative setup.
  • SSL enabled on all ports used by WebPAC and AirPAC.

Integrated Login Page

The Innovative system generates a default HTML page when a user logs in to a Web application through the Integrated Login feature. You can use Web Master to customize the login page.

The XML, HTML, and CSS files the system uses to generate the login page include:

The XML file that specifies the content of the login page. This file includes the labels for form controls and the optional tokens for the header, footer, and CSS files.

The file that specifies the HTML content to replace the <!--{login_top}--> token in the ipsso.xml file. The system inserts the HTML content immediately after the opening <body> tag in the generated page.

The file that specifies the HTML content to replace the <!--{login_bot}--> token in the ipsso.xml file. The system inserts the HTML content immediately before the closing </body> tag in the generated page.

The cascading style sheet for the login page. The system uses this style sheet if the <!--{login_css}--> token appears in the ipsso.xml file.

For organizations preferring to edit the Integrated Login page in HTML instead of XML, you can use an HTML form (ipsso.html) instead of the ipsso.xml file.


Setup Required

The ipsso.html file and the IPSSO_USEHTML Web option require Innovative setup before use on your system. If you want to use the ipsso.html file, contact Innovative.


Innovative provides a sample ipsso.html form, which your staff can customize. To use the ipsso.html form with your Integrated Login functionality, set the IPSSO_USEHTML Web option to "true".

The ipsso.html File and Tokens

The ipsso.html form does not support tokens.

Integrated Login on INN-Reach Central Servers

INN-Reach Central servers using Integrated Login can use the ipsso_ircentral.html form. Unlike the ipsso.html form, the ipsso_ircentral.html form supports tokens and requires specific tokens for use. For details, see the ipsso_ircentral.html form description.

You can use Web Master to customize the ipsso_ircentral.html form.

Enabling "Remember Me" Functionality

When enabled, Integrated Login offers users the option to retain their login information.

The "Remember Me" feature offers a Remember this login information? checkbox on the ipsso.html form (for regular Integrated Login) and on the ipsso_ircentral.html form (for INN-Reach Central). This checkbox is unchecked by default.

To enable the "Remember Me" behavior from a login page, check the Remember this login information? checkbox then successfully authenticate. The browser retains all authentication information (login name, barcode, etc.) except for the user PIN.

When the user logs out of an authenticated session then attempts to authenticate again, the system retains all authentication elements except the user PIN.

The system clears this information if the browser is closed or cookies are cleared.

Customizing the Login Page Files

Customizing the ipsso.xml Login Page

To customize the ipsso.xml login page:

  1. Using the Web Master function, select the Login App Configuration process from the Select Process drop-down list.
  2. Select the ipsso.xml file and choose Edit.
  3. Edit the <label> elements you want to change.
  4. If you want to include a custom header or footer, or use a custom style sheet, ensure that the <!--{login_top}-->, <!--{login_bot}-->, and <!--{login_css}--> tokens appear in the file. The order in which the tokens appear does not affect the layout of the generated login page. You can include an additional stylesheet with media directives by including the <--{inserttag}--> token and defining the IPSSO_INSERTTAG Web option.
  5. Save and close the ipsso.xml file.
  6. (Optional) To create a custom header, edit the login_top.html file. You can include valid HTML and/or links to image files within this file. This file must not include the <html> or <head> elements.
    Handling Diacritics

    The system does not interpret curly braces, { }, in the login_top.html and login_bot.html files when served from the apps/CAS/resources directory. For diacritics support, you should edit the files with an application that supports saving in Unicode format.

    If you must use curly braces in the login_top.html and login_bot.html files:

    1. Move the login_top.html and login_bot.html files to the /iiidb/http/screens directory.
    2. Ensure that both files have unique names.
    3. Replace the <!--{login_top}--> and <!--{login_bot}--> tokens in the ipsso.xml file with hard-coded locations. For example:
      <login_top url="https://<site IP>/screens/login_top.html"/>
      <login_bot url="https://<site IP>/screens/login_bot.html"/>
  7. (Optional) To create a custom footer, edit the login_bot.html file. You can include valid HTML and/or links to image files within this file. This file must not include the <html> or <head> elements.
  8. (Optional) To create custom display styles, edit the login.css file. You can include valid CSS language within this file.
  9. Save your changes and quit.
  10. Using the Web Options function, select the Login group.
  11. Set the IPSSO_USEHTML Web option to "false".
  12. When you are ready to view your changes, refresh the Web application.

Customizing the ipsso.html Login Page

To customize the ipsso.html login page:

  1. Using the Web Master function, select the Login App Configuration process from the Select Process drop-down list.
  2. Make a safe copy of your ipsso.html file.

If you do not have an ipsso.html file, you can download it from CSDirect.

  1. Edit the ipsso.html file, as needed.
  2. Save your changes and quit.

To enable the ipsso.html on your system:

  1. In the Web Options function, select the Login group.
  2. Set the IPSSO_USEHTML Web option to "true".
  3. Save your changes and restart the WebPAC.
  4. Refresh the Web application.

Customizing the ipsso_ircentral.html Login Page

To customize the ipsso_ircentral.html login page:

  1. Using the Web Master function, select the Login App Configuration process from the Select Process drop-down list.
  2. Make a safe copy of your ipsso_ircentral.html file, if present.
  3. Edit the ipsso_ircentral.html file, as needed. This file requires certain tokens to function. Review the file description for details.
  4. Save your changes and quit.

Previewing Changes to the ipsso.html Login Page

To preview changes to the ipsso.html file prior to refreshing the Web application, enter the following URL in your browser:


Where [domain] is the domain for the server running Integrated Login.

See also:
Login Options
User Messages Configuration File