Using SSL

Innovative setup and an SSL certificate are required to use SSL functionality in the WebPAC. Contact Innovative for details.

WebPAC supports Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) security using OpenSSL. WebPAC's SSL security includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (

Web browsers display sites in SSL mode as "secure." The URL appears as https://[URL] in the URL line, and security icons appear or are highlighted.

To use the WebPAC SSL functionality, set the SSLPORT Web option, and ensure that the STARTOVER, PSTARTOVER, and XSTARTOVER Web options have relative URLs, rather than absolute URLs.

For example, change the following absolute URL:


to this relative URL:


SSL support in WebPAC varies by release:

Sierra 4.1 and Earlier

WebPAC redirects incoming connections to HTTPS when patrons access the following forms:

Other WebPAC functionality, Web Access Management, and the Program Calendar support HTTPS, but incoming connections are not automatically redirected to HTTPS.

Sierra 4.2 and Sierra 4.3

WebPAC redirects incoming connections to HTTPS so that no data passes via HTTP. The Program Calendar and Web Access Management support HTTPS, but incoming connections are not automatically redirected to HTTPS.

Sierra 5.0 and Later

The WebPAC and the Program Calendar redirect incoming connections to HTTPS so that no data passes via HTTP. Web Access Management supports HTTPS, but incoming connections are not automatically redirected to HTTPS.

Updating SSL Certificates

If your organization has updated your SSL certificates, you must restart the WebPAC and restart the HTTP server to enable your certificate changes.