Opting In and Out of SMS Alerts

Patrons must complete an opt-in process to use SMS Alerts for the WebPAC. Users can opt in and opt out of SMS alerts by editing their patron records.

Opting In to SMS Alerts
Opting Out of SMS Alerts
Changing the mobile number

Opting In to SMS Alerts

If SMS Alerts are set up on the system, patrons can use the following steps to opt-in to SMS Alerts.

  1. Access the Modify Patron Information (modpinfo.html) page from the patron record. If the PATRON_NOTICES Web option has the 'm' value, the system offers the option to enter a mobile number. Enter the number at the prompt.

    Mobile numbers must be 10 to 15 digits in size. If the mobile number is less than 10 digits or more than 15 digits, the system displays an error message.

    Multiple Users and Single Mobile Numbers

    The system associates a mobile number with only one patron record. Multiple patrons cannot opt-in for SMS alerts using the same mobile number.

  2. Review the terms and conditions, then check the Opt In box and click Submit.

The WebPAC displays the patron's opt-in status based on the messages defined in the messages.conf file.

  1. For libraries within the U.S., the system sends an SMS opt-in invitation message to the mobile number indicated in the patron record. Respond to the SMS alert to enable SMS Alerts in the WebPAC.

For libraries outside the U.S., the system sends an SMS opt-in confirmation message.

After a patron initiates the opt-in process, you can view the following opt-out statuses for patrons on the Modify Patron Information page.

Opt-in Statuses
Status Description
Pending The patron's opt-in process is not complete until the patron receives an SMS alert on the patron phone and replies to the message. The system shows a Pending status until the patron completes the opt-in process. The SMS_STATUS_PENDING_OPTIN messages.conf option controls the Pending message display.
Opted In This status indicates the patron is opted in to SMS Alerts. The SMS_STATUS_OPTED_IN messages.conf option controls the Opted In message display.
Rejected This status indicates the patron's attempt to opt-in to SMS Alerts was rejected. The SMS_STATUS_REJECTED messages.conf option controls the Rejected message display.

Opting Out of SMS Alerts

There are four ways to opt out of SMS Alerts:

Note that you must use the Sierra Editor to delete the MOBILE PH variable-length field if you wish to remove the mobile phone number from the patron record upon opt-out.

Opting Out through the Patron Record

Patrons can use their online patron records to opt out of receiving SMS alerts by completing the following steps:

  1. Access the Modify Patron Information (modpinfo.html) page from the patron record.
  2. Uncheck the Opt In checkbox, and click Submit. No changes or deletions need to be made to the mobile phone number in the record.
  3. Click OK on the confirmation dialog. The SMS_OPTOUT_WARN Web option controls the wording of the confirmation dialog.

After a patron initiates the opt-out process, you can view the following opt-out statuses for patrons on the Modify Patron Information page.

Opt-out Statuses
Status Description
Pending The system shows a Pending status if the system is still processing the opt-out. The SMS_STATUS_PENDING_OPTOUT messages.conf option controls the Pending message display.
Not Opted In This status indicates the patron is not opted in to SMS Alerts. The SMS_STATUS_OPTED_OUT messages.conf option controls the Not Opted In message display.
Opting Out Automatically

If the patron's mobile number in the patron record does not match the number recorded for SMS Messaging, the system automatically opts the patron out of SMS Messaging. When the patron clicks the Modify Patron Information link, the system generates an error message indicating that the patron is opted out of SMS Messaging and must update the mobile number to opt-in again.

Note that the system compares the numerical portion of the phone number only. If the punctuation used in a phone number changes (for example, the parentheses are removed), the system does not automatically opt the patron out of SMS Messaging.

Opting Out through the Mobile Phone (U.S. Library Patrons Only)

To opt-out from SMS Alerts, U.S.-based patrons can send a text message with the word STOP, STOP ALL, END, QUIT, CANCEL, or UNSUBSCRIBE to 82453 or 35143 from the mobile phone number specified during the opt-in process.

The SMS gateway provider unsubscribes the patron from SMS alerts; the system does not send any additional text messages to the patron's mobile phone.

Deleting the Patron Record

When library staff deletes a patron record, Sierra automatically opts the patron out. This is a silent opt-out method (that is, the patron is not notified through SMS that they have been opted out).

Changing the Mobile Number

When a patron changes the mobile number in the patron record, the system generates a warning alert based on the SMS_PHONE_WARN Web option. The system then initiates the opt-in process for the new mobile number.

See also:
Opting Patrons Out of SMS Alerts (Non-U.S. Libraries Only)