Setting Up SMS Alerts for WebPAC

Once your library has acquired SMS Alerts, edit your Web options, customizable Web forms, and user messages as described below, to complete setup of the product.

SMS Web Options

To enable SMS Alerts in the WebPAC, you must define the MODIFY_PFLDS and PATRON_NOTICES Web options. This enables patrons to enter the mobile phone number in patron record. United States-based libraries must set the SMS_TERMS_DESC, SMS_TERMS_EMAIL, SMS_TERMS_LIB Web options to enable the terms and conditions required by U.S. mobile carriers.

  1. In the Web Options function, select the Patron Record Options group.
  2. Set the MODIFY_PFLDS Web option to use the field tag specified for mobile phones.
  3. Set the PATRON_NOTICES Web option to use the value for mobile phones.
  4. Select the SMS Options group.
  5. Set the SMS_TERMS_DESC, SMS_TERMS_EMAIL, and SMS_TERMS_LIB Web options. United States-based libraries must set these Web options to enable SMS Alerts.
  6. Modify the remaining SMS Web options, as needed.
  7. Review your changes in your staging WebPAC. When the preview reflects the changes you want, use the Web Options function to move them to your live directory.
  8. Save your changes and restart the WebPAC.

SMS Alerts Customizable Forms

To offer SMS Alerts functionality for patrons, customize your modpinfo.html form file.

  1. Using the Web Master function, edit the modpinfo.html form in your staging directory to add the following tokens, if they are not already present:

  2. NON-U.S. Libraries only: Edit or create the sms_opt_intl.html file.
  3. Review your changes in your staging WebPAC. When the preview reflects the changes you want, use the Web Master function to put the files in your live directory.
  4. Save your changes and restart the WebPAC.

SMS User Messages

To customize the system messages that display for users opting in or out of SMS Alerts, customize the messages.conf file.

  1. In the Web Options function, set the CUSTOM_MESSAGES Web option to "True".
  2. Using the Web Master function, edit the messages.conf file to modify the appropriate user message prompts.
  3. Save your changes and restart the WebPAC.