Maintaining Records for ArticleReach Requesting

ArticleReach uses union catalog features to create a unified database of all participating sites' bibliographic and holdings records on the ArticleReach Central Server. Local Servers automatically transmit updated records to the ArticleReach Catalog whenever a library makes changes to the local records.

To maintain records specifically for ArticleReach requesting, participating Local Servers must:

Cataloging Local Holdings for ArticleReach Requesting

To enable Enhanced Phrase Recognition for ArticleReach Holdings, ask your Central System Administrator to contact Innovative.

When cataloging local holdings fields that are to be contributed to the ArticleReach Catalog, keep in mind that ArticleReach must parse holdings fields to determine available years.

If your ArticleReach System has enabled the Enhanced Phrase Recognition for ArticleReach Holdings feature, ArticleReach can recognize specific English phrases in holdings fields, described below. The system does not recognize a phrase if it is not specified below.

Phrase: Example: If the request date is: Holdings are interpreted as:
XXXXX to XXXX 2001 to 2006 March 30, 2009 2001-2006
current year current year March 30, 2009 2009 only (current calendar year)
current X years only current 3 years March 30, 2009 2007-2009
last XXX years only last 2 years only March 30, 2009 2008-2009
X year ago to present 1 year ago to present March 30, 2009 2008-2009
X years ago to present 3 years ago to present March 30, 2009 2006-2009
XXXX to X year ago 2003 to 1 year ago March 30, 2009 2003-2008
XXXX to X years ago 2003 to 2 years ago March 30, 2009 2003-2007
XXXX to X months ago 2003 to 6 months ago March 30, 2009 2003-2008
XXXX to X months ago 2003 to 6 months ago September 30, 2009 2003-2009

Contributing Local Records for ArticleReach Requesting

To participate as a supplying site in ArticleReach, your library must configure its contribution of records so that the serials and journals you want to make available for ArticleReach requests are contributed to the ArticleReach Catalog. Typically, your Local Server must be configured to contribute the following:

You can also contribute URL fields in either bibliographic records or item, order, or checkin records.

To configure your record contribution for ArticleReach requesting: