Pass2ILL for ArticleReach Messages

If your site uses a non-Innovative product to manage ILL requests, Pass2ILL for ArticleReach generates a formatted email message containing request data for upload into your ILL software. This "Pass2ILL message" is composed of email header fields and data fields in the following format:

From: <Email address>
To: <Email address>
Subject: <Text>
Reply-To: <Email address>

<Data fields>

For more information, see the following sections below:

Email Header Fields in Pass2ILL Messages
Data Fields in Pass2ILL Messages
Example Pass2ILL Message

Email Header Fields in Pass2ILL Messages

During ArticleReach setup, your Central System Administrator provides Innovative with values for the following Pass2ILL email header fields:

Field Description
From An email address to which the system returns an undeliverable Pass2ILL message. This email address receives undeliverable Pass2ILL messages for all sites in the ArticleReach System. This email address is managed by your Central System Administrator.
Subject Brief text describing the purpose or content of the message (for example, "Pass2ILL").
Reply-To An email address that receives a reply to a Pass2ILL message. This email address receives replies to Pass2ILL messages sent to any site in the ArticleReach System. This email address is managed by your Central System Administrator.

The system uses these values for all Pass2ILL messages sent within the ArticleReach System.

When your site acquires Pass2ILL for ArticleReach, your Central System administrator provides Innovative with a site-specific value for the following email header field:

Field Description
To The email address to which the system sends Pass2ILL messages.

Data Fields in Pass2ILL Messages

The body of the Pass2ILL email message is composed of the following data fields:

Field Description
Lastname The requesting patron's last name.
Firstname The requesting patron's first name.
Email The requesting patron's email address.
ILLusername The login or username a patron uses to access your ILL system, as stored in the patron record when the Interlibrary Loan Integration for ArticleReach feature is enabled.

Interlibary Loan Integration for INN-Reach enables your site to store ILL system login data for patrons in patron records by adding a new variable-length field to your patron records. Your site can use this field to store either the login or the username that a patron uses to access your ILL system. By default, this new field is known as "ILLusername". To enable this feature at your site, ask your Central System Administrator to contact Innovative.

RequestSource The source of the request. This field is composed of two elements in the following format:


1Text specified by the Central System Administrator, typically identifying the ArticleReach System through which the request was placed.

To customize this element, ask your Central System Administrator to contact Innovative.

2The type of form used by the patron to submit the article request. Possible values are:
ArticleReach Catalog FormRequest submitted via the Request Article link in the bibliographic record in the ArticleReach Catalog.
Blank FormRequest submitted via the /nonret command link on a WebPAC page other than the bibliographic record.
OpenURL FormRequest submitted via a link resolver such as WebBridge.
UnknownThe system cannot identify the form as one of the other possible values. Typically, this value indicates an incorrectly formatted OpenURL request.
ArticleAuthor The author of the requested article.
ArticleTitle The title of the requested article.
JournalTitle The title of the serial in which the requested article was published.
Volume The volume in which the requested article is published.
Issue The issue in which the requested article is published. If present, the number of the issue is also included, after a colon (for example, 2:3).
ISSN The serial's ISSN or, if no ISSN is present in the article request, the EISSN.
Year The year in which the requested article was published.
Date The publication date information for the requested article. If the month and day are submitted in the article request, the month and day display in <Month><Day> format. If the month and day are not submitted in the article request, the quarter and season display in the following format <Q#><Season>.
Pages The starting page and ending page of the requested article.
NotWantedAfterDate The date after which the requesting patron no longer needs the article. This field displays the date that the patron enters in the NNAfterDate field in the ArticleReach Request Form.
Note The text that the patron entered in the Note field in the ArticleReach Request Form.
Request Id The unique number used by the system to identify each article request.
DateSubmitted The date on which the patron submitted the request.
StaffNotes The text that library staff can enter in the Staff Note text box when processing paged requests or editing mediated requests.
PatronPrefers The delivery method the patron chose during requesting.
PickupLocation The pickup location the patron chose during requesting.

Example Pass2ILL Message

The following is an example of the data fields included in the body of the Pass2ILL message:

Lastname: Parker
Firstname: Dorothy
ILLusername: dparker
RequestSource: ArticleCentral-RecordDisplay 111321
ArticleAuthor: Benchley, Robert
ArticleTitle: Dog Libel
JournalTitle: San Francisco Examiner
Year: 1935
Date: January 7
Pages: 13
NotWantedAfterDate: 20120228
RequestId: 105467
DateSubmitted: 20120131
PatronPrefers: Not Specified
PickupLocation: New York Public Library - Main