Overview of the ArticleReach Requesting Process

The ArticleReach requesting process is as follows:

  1. The patron requests an article via WebPAC or a link resolver such as WebBridge.
  2. ArticleReach creates a prioritized paging list for the request by doing the following:
    1. Matches the submitted request information to a bibliographic record in the ArticleReach Catalog. To do so, ArticleReach compares the MARC 022 (ISSN) field in the request to the same field in the bibliographic records. If the system cannot identify a matching bibliographic record, the request is managed according to the patron site's settings for managing unpageable requests.
    2. Identifies holdings in the institution records associated with the matching bibliographic record. By default, ArticleReach searches for checkin fields associated with the institution record, but the system can be configured to check for holdings in additional fields. The system can recognize specific phrases when evaluating available years in holdings statements.

      If the system cannot identify holdings, the request is managed according to the patron site's settings for managing unpageable requests.
    3. Determines whether the identified holdings are eligible for paging based on any modifications to paging list configuration that have been made for the requesting site and/or potential supplying sites.
    4. Creates a list of sites that have eligible holdings for the requested item. The order of sites in the paging list is, by default, randomized, but can be also determined according to ArticleReach paging group and priority, depending on the configuration of your ArticleReach System.
  3. ArticleReach pages the request at the first supplying site on the paging list. As long as the request remains paged but is not yet filled, ArticleReach performs the following automatic functions:
    • If a supplying site does not fill a paged request within a specified period of time, the system automatically forwards the request to the next potential lender in the paging list. This action takes between midnight and 4 a.m. of the night after the request has been paged too long.
    • If a request is not filled by the time the Not Needed After date passes, the system automatically cancels the request.
    • If none of the potential lenders in the paging list fills the request, the system manages the request according to the requesting site's settings for managing unfillable requests.
    Note that, until the request is filled, either library staff or the requesting patron can manually cancel a request.
  4. The supplying site fills the request by one of the following methods: If the supplying site cannot fill the request, it can either pass the request to the next potential lender in the list, or cancel the request, depending on consortial policy.
  5. The requesting site checks in the article. The system automatically notifies the patron that the item is available. The requesting site then delivers the item to the patron, in either hard copy or electronic form.
See also:
Modifying ArticleReach Requesting
Modifying ArticleReach Paging