Z39.50 Options

This page describes the Web options for the Z39.50 options group. Review these options to determine any necessary setup that your organization might need to perform.


For Z39.50 searches made from the main WebPAC running on port 80, the Innovative machine by default connects the client browser to port 211, where a separate Web Server is running. The Web Server running on port 211 will then make the connection to the selected Z39.50 server and perform the Z39.50 to HTTP translation. When users disconnect from the Z39.50 Web Server on port 211, they are redirected back to the main Web Server on port 80. The system performs similar port mapping for each additional Web Server running on the machine (e.g., for a Web Server running on port 2080, the corresponding Z39.50 server is on port 2211). These default ports can be overridden with the Z39PORT option.

Your organization must have the Z39.50 Broadcast Search product in order to use all of the functionality of the Z39.50 Database Options listed on this page.


This option defines the graphic image to use for the Email button. For example:



This option defines the graphic image to use for the Next Record button. For example:



This option defines the graphic image to use for the Previous Record button. For example:



This option defines the graphic image to use for the Another Database button. For example:


In regular z39.50 searches, this button directs users to the z39menu.html page. In Z39.50 "Broadcast" mode, this button directs users to the list of Z39.50 servers from your Z39.50 Server file.


This option defines the graphic image to use for the Request button in Z39.50 searches. For example:



This option defines the graphic image to use for the Other Libraries button when launching a Z39.50 search for the current target search. For example:



This option defines the display properties for the Email link. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:


For a graphic link example:

ICON_BUT_EMAIL=<img src="/screens/email.gif" alt="Email" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the value of the BUT_EMAIL Web option. If neither option is defined, the system uses following default:


This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the display properties for the Next Record link. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

ICON_BUT_NEXTREC=<strong>Next Record</strong>

For a graphic link example:

ICON_BUT_NEXTREC=<img src="/screens/nextrec.gif" alt="Next Record" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the value of the BUT_NEXTREC Web option. If neither option is defined, the system uses following default:


This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the display properties for the Previous Record link. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

ICON_BUT_PREVREC=<strong>Previous Record</strong>

For a graphic link example:

ICON_BUT_PREVREC=<img src="/screens/prevrec.gif" alt="Previous Record" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the value of the BUT_PREVREC Web option. If neither option is defined, the system uses following default:

ICON_BUT_PREVREC=Previous Record

This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the display properties for the Another Database link. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

ICON_BUT_Z39_ANOTHER=<strong>Another Database</strong>

For a graphic link example:

ICON_BUT_Z39_ANOTHER=<img src="/screens/z39_another.gif" alt="Another Database" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the value of the BUT_Z39_ANOTHER Web option. If neither option is defined, the system uses following default:

ICON_BUT_Z39_ANOTHER=Another Database

This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the display properties for the Request link for Z39.50. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

ICON_BUT_Z39_REQUEST=<strong>Request Item</strong>

For a graphic link example:

ICON_BUT_Z39_REQUEST=<img src="/screens/z39_request.gif" alt="Request Item" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the value of the BUT_Z39_REQUEST Web option. If neither option is defined, the system uses following default:


This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the display properties for the Other Libraries link for Z39.50. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

ICON_BUT_Z39SEARCH=<strong>Search Other Libraries</strong>

For a graphic link example:

ICON_BUT_Z39SEARCH=<img src="/screens/z39_search.gif" alt="Search Other Libraries" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the value of the BUT_Z39SEARCH Web option. If neither option is defined, the system uses following default:

ICON_BUT_Z39SEARCH=Other Libraries

This option can vary by scope and language.


This option specifies the text to display as a title at the top of the browser screen and the text presented to users as instructions for entering a Z39.50 broadcast search. Two fields appear in the value of this option, separated by a colon:

Z39BROADCAST=<Title Text>:<Instruction Text>

For example:

Z39BROADCAST=Z39.50 Broadcast Search:Please select the Z39.50 servers to which you want to send your search

This option can vary by language.


This option is used in tandem with the Z39RESTRICT option to restrict certain Z39.50 servers to a specific set of Web browsers, based on their IP address. The value of the Z39RESTRICT option is a list of one or more Z39.50 servers and databases in the form <server>/<database>, where <server> is the Server code for the database and <database> is the Database code, both from the Z39.50 Servers file. Multiple servers and databases may be entered, using a semicolon as a separator. For example:


In this example, restrictions are applied to the Melvyl Ten Year and Library of Congress Books databases. Note that the Server code and Database code must exactly match the data entered into the Z39.50 Servers file, with the same usage of uppercase and lowercase letters. For example, if the Z39.50 Servers file contains the Server code "Melvyl", then the value in the Z39RESTRICT option must be "Melvyl" and not "melvyl" or "MELVYL".

The servers and databases listed in the Z39RESTRICT option will be available only to Web browsers whose IP address matches the pattern specified in the Z39IPOK option:


Multiple IP addresses may be entered for Z39IPOK, separated by a semicolon. For example:



If your organization has acquired the Z39.50 "Broadcast" mode, you can offer the broadcast mode in the WebPAC (see the /z39m command Link and the Z39BROADCAST option). This option controls options for Z39.50 Broadcast mode in the WebPAC. Two fields appear in the value for this option, separated by a colon:

Z39MULTI=[Max All]:[Max One]

[Max All] This field sets the maximum number of records that users can retrieve from all Z39.50 servers chosen for the broadcast. Z39.50 broadcast searches can retrieve a maximum of 2000 records.
[Max One] This field sets the maximum number of records that users can retrieve from any one Z39.50 server in the list of those chosen for the broadcast.

For example:



This option is used when the library offers Z39.50 searching in the WebPAC. It matches the port used for the standard WebPAC process to the port used for searching Z39.50 databases. The system uses this information to determine the port to which it should connect after returning from searching Z39.50 databases. The format of this option is:


where [s_port] is the port on which the standard WebPAC process runs (e.g., 80) and [z39_port] is the port for Z39.50 searches (e.g., 211). For example:


If the library offers more than one WebPAC (e.g., for alternate languages or character sets), multiple [s_port]:[z39_port] pairs may be entered into the option's value by separating them with a vertical bar character. For example:


In the example shown above, the Z39.50 WebPAC server running on port 211 returns to port 80 when users discontinue Z39.50 searching. Similarly, the Z39.50 WebPAC server running on port 212 returns to port 81 when users discontinue Z39.50 searching.


The Z39PORT option does not control the port on which the Z39.50 Web server(s) run. It only controls the port to which these servers return after disconnecting. The URL that takes users to the z39menu.html page(s) must include the port for the corresponding Z39.50 Web Server (e.g., <A HREF="http://www.yourlibrary.edu:211/screens/z39menu.html">).


This option is used in tandem with the Z39IPOK option to restrict certain Z39.50 servers to a specific set of Web browsers, based on their IP address. The value of the Z39RESTRICT option is a list of one or more Z39.50 servers and databases in the form <server>/<database>, where <server> is the Server code for the database and <database> is the Database code, both from the Z39.50 Servers file. Multiple servers and databases may be entered, using a semicolon as a separator. For example:


In this example, restrictions are applied to the Melvyl Ten Year and Library of Congress Books databases. Note that the Server code and Database code must exactly match the data entered into the Z39.50 Servers file, with the same usage of uppercase and lowercase letters. For example, if the Z39.50 Servers file contains the Server code "Melvyl", then the value in the Z39RESTRICT option must be "Melvyl" and not "melvyl" or "MELVYL".

The servers and databases listed in the Z39RESTRICT option will be available only to Web browsers whose IP address matches the pattern specified in the Z39IPOK option:


Multiple IP addresses may be entered for Z39IPOK, separated by a semicolon. For example:



This option controls the display of the Z39.50 search link or button. If this option appears in the Web Options file, then a Z39.50 Search menu item or button will appear on all WebPAC screens that present results of a search. Users can select this menu item or button to repeat the current search on one or more Z39.50 servers. Note that the settings of the Z39RESTRICT, Z39IPOK, and Z39MULTI options affect this option. The library must have the Z39.50 Broadcast Searching product in order to use this option.

The value of this option is a list of one or more Z39.50 servers and databases in the following form:


where <server> is the Server code for the database and <database> is the Database code, both from theZ39.50 Servers file. Multiple servers and databases may be entered, using a comma as a separator. For example:



If only a single server and database are specified, the line must be terminated with a comma as in the following example:


To use a graphic button rather than a textual prompt, specify a GIF file with the BUT_Z39SEARCH option.