Graphic Buttons

The WebPAC offers menu options as text links, by default. You can choose to replace certain menu options with graphic images or formatted HTML through use of Web options.


A web option can be used by several customizable Web forms. To find descriptions of the WebPAC forms affected by a web option setting:

  1. Enter the web option name in the search text box.
  2. Click the Search button.

    The search results contain the User Guide descriptions of forms affected by the web option. Note that customizable forms are affected by web option settings, even if you do not customize the forms.

The two Web option types are:

By default, the WebPAC offers textual menu links which the user selects to perform particular actions, such as performing another search or requesting a displayed item. The library may choose to use graphic image files (in GIF format) that the WebPAC displays as buttons on the OPAC screen in order to perform a specific action (JPG or other graphic formats are not supported for these buttons). Innovative supplies standard buttons for several WebPAC actions, but you can use a different GIF file for any of these buttons or links by creating a GIF file and transferring it to the Innovative server, either using Innovative tools or non-Innovative tools. Graphics are stored in the 'screens/' directory, together with all HTML files used by the library.

The following describes the two graphic option types and provides alphabetized lists of specific options with links to more detailed information.

ICON_ Options

All ICON_ Web options have values in HTML, defining either the text or an image to use as the link or a combination of the two. For example:

ICON_BOOKCART=<img src="/screens/bookcart.gif" ALT="Add to Book Cart" BORDER="0" CLASS="button" HEIGHT="40" WIDTH="80">

This example defines an Add to Book Cart graphic button.

ICON_BOOKCART=<SPAN CLASS="myBookcartStyle">Save in List</SPAN>

This example defines a text link, "Save in List, " with the "myBookcartStyle" formatting applied.

ICON_BOOKCART=<img src="/screens/bookcart.gif" alt="Save to List" border="0"><br /><span class="myTooltips">Save to List</span>

This example defines a "Save to List" image with an accompanying "Save to List" textual link.

To set up separate "ICON_" options for specific scopes, append the number of the scope to the option name. For example:

ICON_BOOKCART=<img src="/screens/bookcart.gif" ALT="Add to Book Cart" BORDER="0" CLASS="button" HEIGHT="40" WIDTH="80">
ICON_BOOKCART1=<SPAN CLASS="myBookcartStyle">Save in List</SPAN>
ICON_BOOKCART2=<img src="/screens/bookcart.gif" ALT="Save to List" BORDER="0"><br /><SPAN CLASS="myTooltips">Save to List</SPAN>

To set up separate "ICON_" options for specific patron types, append the patron type to the option name as _p#. For example:

ICON_BOOKCART=<img src="/screens/bookcart.gif" ALT="Add to Book Cart" BORDER="0" CLASS="button" HEIGHT="40" WIDTH="80">
ICON_BOOKCART_p1=<SPAN CLASS="myBookcartStyle">Save in List</SPAN>
ICON_BOOKCART_p2=<img src="/screens/bookcart.gif" ALT="Save to List" BORDER="0"><br /><SPAN CLASS="myTooltips">Save to List</SPAN>

You can use the optional "_lang" portion of the option name to specify a unique HTML page for each non-English language (Innovative will inform you of the correct language code to use). The three-character language code must be in lowercase. For example:

ICON_BOOKCART_spi=<Spanish text>
ICON_BOOKCART_frc=<French text>

If an option for the current language is not specified, then the HTML page specified with ICON_* (i.e., no "_lang" extension) is sent to the browser.

For a complete list of ICON_ options, see the Alphabetical List of Web Options.

BUT_ Options

You can choose to use graphic image files (in GIF format) that the WebPAC displays as buttons on WebPAC screens (JPG or other graphic formats are not supported for these buttons). Innovative supplies standard buttons for several WebPAC actions, but you can supply a different GIF file for any of these buttons by creating a GIF file and transferring it to the Innovative server. Buttons are stored in the 'screens/' directory, together with all HTML files used by the library.

For a complete list of BUT_ options, see the Alphabetical List of Web Options.

If your library chooses to replace any of the standard buttons, the GIF file used as the graphic button may be given any desired name, but the button name (e.g., BUT_NEWSRCH, BUT_ANOTHER, etc.) must be entered as shown the following syntax:

<BUTTON NAME>=/screens/<GIF File>

For example:


If the current language is not English, and a GIF file is specified for any of these buttons, the Web Server will look for a similarly named GIF file which has the three-character language code in the file name. The pattern for these foreign language GIF files is ENGLISHFILENAME_xxx.gif, where ENGLISHFILENAME is the name specified as the argument for the <BUTTON NAME> option (minus the '.gif' extension) and 'xxx' is the language code. Note that the language code is preceded by an underscore.

For example, if the entry for BUT_REQUEST is the following:


and the current language is set to French (language code 'fre'), then the Web Server will instead try to load a file named myrequest_frc.gif. If this file is not found, the standard English file is loaded (myrequest.gif).


The Web Server makes the assumption that the buttons files all have the '.gif' filename extension. In fact, the program derives the name of the foreign language GIF file by replacing the last four characters of the specified filename (the '.gif' portion) with the characters '_xxx.gif' (where xxx is the language code). If the file is not named according to this convention, the results may be unexpected. For example, if the entry for the BUT_REQUEST option were:


then the Web Server would attempt to load the file myreq_frc.gif. For these reasons, all files used for buttons must be in GIF format and must include the '.gif' extension.