Z39.50 server file

When you select the Z39.50 server file menu option in Admin Corner, the Z39.50 SERVERS screen displays. For example:

                                   Z39.50 SERVERS

      1 > RLIN
      2 > OCLC FirstSearch Databases
      3 > Univ. of Calif. MELVYL system
      4 > Univ. Wisconsin-Madison (NLC code)
      5 > Indiana Univ (NOTIS)
      6 > Penn State University
      7 > CARL Systems
      8 > Library of Congress
      9 > Acadia University
Select server to edit or
A > ADD server        Z > Z39.50 Server     Q > QUIT
D > DELETE server     M > MOVE line
Choose one (1-9,A,D,Z,M,Q)

The numbered entries represent remote servers listed in your system's Z39.50 server file.

The Z39.50 server file menu option and its submenus are used to configure Innovative's separately available Z39.50 server and Z39.50 client programs.

Setting Up the Z39.50 Client (Remote Searching)

Remote searching from Sierra, ILL, and WebPAC uses the Z39.50 client program.

When the Z39.50 client program is installed, Innovative staff enter a number of example remote servers and databases into the Z39.50 server file. Before you can use the Z39.50 client program, or when the servers accessible to your library change, you must edit this file.

After you edit your Z39.50 server file, you must restart the Web Server in order to see your changes.

To set up the Z39.50 client program:

  1. Add server entries to the Z39.50 server file (each entry represents a remote server).
  2. Add databases to each server entry in the Z39.50 server file. Each server might offer multiple databases. For example, the MELVYL server offers two databases; the Full catalog and the Periodicals catalog databases.
  3. If necessary, edit server entries in the Z39.50 server file.
  4. Delete unused entries in the Z39.50 server file. You may delete the example entries provided during installation of your system.
  5. Move the server entries in the Z39.50 server file into your preferred order.

Editing Server Entries in the Z39.50 Server File

To edit an entry in the Z39.50 server file:

  1. Choose the Z39.50 server file option in Admin Corner. The Z39.50 server file displays:
  2.                                    Z39.50 SERVERS
          1 > RLIN
          2 > OCLC FirstSearch Databases
          3 > Univ. of Calif. MELVYL system
          4 > Univ. Wisconsin-Madison (NLC code)
          5 > Indiana Univ (NOTIS)
          6 > Penn State University
          7 > CARL Systems
          8 > Library of Congress
          9 > Acadia University
    Select server to edit or
    A > ADD server        Z > Z39.50 Server     Q > QUIT
    D > DELETE server     M > MOVE line
    Choose one (1-9,A,D,Z,M,Q)
  3. Enter the number for the server. The SERVER entry displays:
  4. SERVER - Some University
    	1 > Library Catalog
    Select server to edit or                                                 
    E > Edit server information        D > DELETE database        Q > QUIT      
    A > ADD database                   M > MOVE line                            
    Choose one (1-1,E,A,D,M,Q)                                                             
  5. Choose E > Edit server information. The SERVER INFORMATION displays:
  6. SERVER INFORMATION                               
          1 > Internal code for server:  SOMEUNI
          2 > Display name for server:   Some University
          3 > IP address of server:
          4 > Port:                      210
          5 > Authentication/Password:
          6 > Character Set:
          7 > Enable SCAN Facility?      NO
    Key a number or                                                             
    Q > QUIT                                                                    
    Choose one (1-7,Q) 		
  7. Choose a number and enter the correct information.
  8. Save and quit.