About the Z39.50 Server Program

The Z39.50 server program lets users of Z39.50 client programs (both from Innovative and other vendors) access your system's database and perform searches using the Z39.50 protocol.

When your library acquires the Z39.50 server program, Innovative performs the basic setup on your system. However, your library can configure the following:

Use the Z > Z39.50 Server menu option on the Z39.50 SERVERS screen to configure settings for the Z39.50 server program.

Supported Features of the Z39.50 Server

Changing Bath Compliance for Z39.50 Servers

If your library has acquired the Z39.50 server program, your Z39.50 server can operate in compliance with Level 0 of the Bath Profile. To do so, choose the Z > Z39.50 Server option after choosing the Z > Z39.50 server file option. If your library has not acquired the Z39.50 server program, the Z > Z39.50 Server option and its subsequent prompts do not affect your system.

Analyze Patron Searches

The system does not retain Z39.50 search statistics for the Analyze Patron Searches feature.