Remote Searching in ILL

If your library has acquired the Z39.50 Client, you can search for items in the catalogs of other libraries that also support Z39.50 searching. You can use the Remote option to:

To search remote databases for an item:

  1. Choose New Requests from the Function list.
  2. Select a request. ILL displays the Edit Requests dialog.
  3. Choose Search | Remote.
  4. (Optional) Limit the search by database:
    1. Choose Select Remote Databases. ILL displays the list of available suppliers.
    2. Check the box of each database you want to search. If you want to clear your selections, choose Clear. If you want to return to the previous screen without limiting the databases, choose Cancel.
    3. Choose OK. ILL returns you to the previous screen.
  5. (Optional) Limit the search by item attributes:
    1. Choose Set Limits For Remote Searching. ILL displays a parameters dialog.
    2. Specify the following parameters:
      Published in or after year
      The earliest publication year for the item. For example, if you only wanted items that were published after 1973, you would enter 1974.
      Published in or before year
      The latest publication year for the item. For example, if you only wanted items that were published before 1973, you would enter 1972.
      Record Type
      The record type(s) of the items that can satisfy your search.
      Language Code
      The code(s) for the languages that can satisfy your search.
      In this dialog, you can also:
      • Choose Clear to clear your selections.
      • Choose No Limit to continue without specifying item attribute limits.
      Pre-search Limiting

      The following databases support pre-search limiting:

      • OCLC
      • RLIN (date and language limits)
      • CURL (Consortium of University Research Libraries)

      For more information on setting up pre-search limiting, see Adding Pre-Search Limits


  6. Choose the OK button. ILL returns you to the previous screen.
  7. Select the index that you want to search and enter your query. For example, you might enter "t" and "the trial" to search for the title "The Trial".
  8. Submit your query by pressing Enter or choosing Search. ILL performs your search and displays a progress dialog containing the following elements:
    The name of the institution that you are searching.
    The database in which ILL conducts the search.
    The number of records that match the query.
    The number of matching records that ILL has successfully loaded.
    The current status of the search (for example, "In Progress," "Done").
  9. Choose Close to continue. If ILL was able to retrieve any matching records, it opens a browse display.
  10. Select a matching record for review.
  11. Continue as appropriate:
    • Choose Export to export the bibliographic data into the request. The system creates a Holdings field in the request into which it inserts the title's ISBN/ISSN number, the title's OCLC number, and the names of the libraries that hold the title. For more information, see Exporting Bibliographic Data into Requests below.
    • Choose Print to print the record.
    • Choose Close to return to the previous screen.
Exporting Bibliographic Data into Requests

When you export bibliographic data into requests, ILL copies the data as follows:

Journal Article Requests:

Data from Remote Machine Request Field
MARC tag 245$a only Title
MARC 001 (OCLC Number) Other info
Holding libraries from MARC 948 Other info

All Other Requests:

Data from Remote Machine Request Field
MARC 245$ab only Title
MARC 1XX Author
MARC 260 Pub info
MARC 001 (OCLC Number) Other info
Holding libraries from MARC 948 Other info