Adding Servers to the Z39.50 Server File

To make a Z39.50 server accessible to your staff and patrons through the Z39.50 client (which provides the remote search feature of Sierra, ILL, and WebPAC), add the server to your Innovative Z39.50 server file.

To add an entry in the Z39.50 server file:

  1. Choose the Z39.50 server file option in Admin Corner. The Z39.50 SERVERS screen displays:
  2.                                    Z39.50 SERVERS
          1 > RLIN
          2 > OCLC FirstSearch Databases
          3 > Univ. of Calif. MELVYL system
          4 > Univ. Wisconsin-Madison (NLC code)
          5 > Indiana Univ (NOTIS)
          6 > Penn State University
          7 > CARL Systems
          8 > Library of Congress
          9 > Acadia University
    Select server to edit or
    A > ADD server        Z > Z39.50 Server     Q > QUIT
    D > DELETE server     M > MOVE line
    Choose one (1-9,A,D,Z,M,Q)
  3. Choose A > ADD server.
  4. The system prompts for the following information:

    Internal code for server

    Enter a unique name for each Z39.50 server in the Z39.50 server file. This name is used internally by the system to identify the server. A maximum of 10 characters may be entered here.

    RLIN Code

    For RLIN, the internal code for the server must be RLIN, in all uppercase letters.

    Display name for server

    Enter a name that describes the server (for example, OCLC FirstSearch). This is the name that appears in the list of Z39.50 servers that is presented to users of the Z39.50 client program. A maximum of 50 characters may be entered here.

    If your library has the Z39.50 Broadcast option, you can suppress a server from the list of servers presented to users by entering the letter 'X' or 'x' as the first character of the display name (for example, xRLIN Server or XRLIN Server). The server can still be selected in non-Broadcast mode, but is unavailable in Broadcast searches.

    IP address of server Enter the IP address (for example, or URL (for example, of the machine on which the Z39.50 server is mounted. You can obtain this information by contacting the administrators of the Z39.50 server or consulting published references. A maximum of 30 characters may be entered here.
    Port Enter the number of the port to which Z39.50 connections are made for the machine on which the Z39.50 server is mounted. You can obtain this information by contacting the administrators of the Z39.50 server or consulting published references. Typically, this is port 210.
    Authentication / Password If the remote Z39.50 server requires an ID and password, enter them here. The ID is entered first, followed by a forward slash, and then the password (for example, 111697/swordfish). Do not use spaces. You can obtain this information by contacting the administrators of the Z39.50 server or consulting published references. A maximum of 50 characters may be entered here.
    Character Set

    If your library requires character set translation or plans to search databases that require character set translation, use this optional setting to specify the diacritic mapping file through which the system translates the search argument and the search results. To acquire additional diacritic mapping files, contact Innovative. Innovative provides some mapping files free of charge and some as an added-cost feature.

    For example, to search a Swedish database, you would set the Character Set to "win1252", which is the designation of the diacritic mapping file for ISO Latin-1, the diacritic coding conventionally used for Swedish. If you enter the name of a diacritic mapping file that your library has not acquired, the system displays a list of valid files from which you can choose.

    Innovative recommends the Character Set default setting of "blank". If you know the other database uses Unicode, you can set the Character Set to "utf8."

    Enable SCAN Facility

    This setting determines whether the system offers a browse screen of nearby entries, if the host server supports the scan facility and the database does not contain an exact match for the search criteria. The default setting is 'N', meaning that the system does not offer a browse screen. Enter 'Y' to specify that the system offers a browse screen.

    If the remote server belongs to an Innovative system, the browse screen will also indicate the number of entries filed under each heading in the server's database (see the description of the SCAN feature).

    After entering this data, the system displays a screen similar to the following:

                          SERVER - Some University
    E > Edit server information               Q > QUIT
    A > ADD database
    M > MOVE line
    Choose one (E,A,M,Q)
  5. To view or edit the server information you just entered, select the E > Edit server information option. The system presents a screen similar to the following:
    SERVER INFORMATION                               
          1 > Internal code for server:  SOMEUNI
          2 > Display name for server:   Some University
          3 > IP address of server:
          4 > Port:                      210
          5 > Authentication/Password:
          6 > Character Set:
          7 > Enable SCAN Facility?      NO
    Key a number or                                                             
    Q > QUIT                                                                    
    Choose one (1-7,Q) 		
  7. To change a parameter, choose its number and enter the change.
  8. Choose Q > QUIT and continue as described in Adding Databases to the Z39.50 Server File.

Restart WebPAC After Editing the Z39.50 Server File

If you edit your Z39.50 server file, you must restart WebPAC in order to see your changes.