Saving and Exporting Options

As a user retrieves records from the database, the WebPAC offers options to mark records for export. When records have been marked, a separate option is used to export the marked records in one of several formats. The following options control the types of export formats and delivery methods available to the user.


If your organization uses Procite/EndNote, see Fields exported in ProCite/End Note Refer format for more information on displaying fields used by these services.


This option specifies which variable-length bibliographic record fields to export when the user chooses the Brief export format (the BRIEF_EXPORT_CHKIN option specifies the variable-length checkin record fields to export). The value for this option is a list of variable-length field group tags and, optionally, the MARC tag, indicators, and subfield list of the fields to export. The field specifiers are separated by the vertical bar character ('|'). This option accepts a maximum of 100 field specifiers. The system exports the fields in the order in which the fields are listed.

The format for this option is:


Element Description
<ftag> The variable-length field group tag (e.g., t, a, etc.).
<mtag> (Optional) The MARC tag and optional indicators (100, 11011, 245, etc.). The system only exports those fields in the field group with MARC tag and indicator values that match this pattern. You can use UNIX regular expression syntax to specify patterns. For example, 24[05] for either 240 or 245 or 70[05]1. for 700 or 705 fields with first indicator value 1 and any second indicator value (the period is a wildcard).

The mtag element is preceded by a colon. When exporting non-MARC records, this element and the following subf element are ignored (only the ftag element is used).
<subf> (Optional) Used only if the mtag element is specified. A list of subfields from the field to export (abc, a-h, a-cflm-z, etc.). The only punctuation allowed is the hyphen, for range specification. This element is separated from the mtag element by a forward slash ('/').

Some examples for this option are:


The system uses this setting to export field group tags a, t, and p, in that order


The system uses this setting to export field group tags in the following order:


The system uses this setting to export field group tags in the following order:

If this option is not specified, the system uses the following default value:


y-tagged Fields

Note that y-tagged fields are excluded from export except for y880 fields


This option specifies the variable-length checkin record fields to output when the user exports the value for this bibliographic record in Brief format (the BRIEF_EXPORT option specifies the variable-length bibliographic record fields to export). The value for this option is a list of field group tags and, optionally, the MARC tag, indicators, and subfield list of the checkin record fields to export. The field specifiers are separated by the vertical bar character. This option accepts a maximum of 100 field specifiers. The system exports the fields in the order in which the fields are listed.

The format for this option's value is identical to that for the BRIEF_EXPORT option, but the tags and subfields refer to the checkin record rather than the bibliographic record. Checkin record output is appended to bibliographic record data and identified by its location.

If this option is not defined, then the system does not output checkin record information in the Brief display.


This option defines the graphic button to use that allows users to export the currently displayed bibliographic record. For example:



This option defines the graphic button to use that allows users to clear the list of "marked" records. For example:

BUT_CLEAR_MARKED= /screens/clear_marked.gif


This option defines the button that directs users to the Export function from the saved record action screen and batch requesting screens. If this option is not defined, the text Export Saved List is used instead. For example:



This option defines the button to use for viewing the list of records marked for export. For example:

BUT_EXPORT_VIEW_SAVES= /screens/export_view_saves.gif


This option defines the button to use to view the list of "saved" (marked) records. If your organization uses batch requesting or limit to export, this button takes users to the Book Cart screen. For example:



This option specifies options for exporting records via email. Note that this Web option must be set up to enable exporting via email in WebPAC. The value for this option is:

EMAILOP=[Subject Line]|[Bounced email Account]

[Subject Line] The default text that appears in the email Subject: header. Users may override this default by entering text in the Subject box in the WebPAC Export Saved Lists menu (see Exporting Saved Records).
[Bounced email Account] The email account to which bounced email should be returned.

Enter a fully qualified email address including the @[domain] in this field. Fully qualified email addresses are limited to 49 characters. For example, "" sends bounced email to the email account "bounces" on the "" server.
Innovative Servers Reject Incoming Email

Innovative servers are configured to reject incoming email, including bounced email (that is, undeliverable email that is returned to a sender-designated address

An example is:

EMAILOP=From the library Web catalog|


This option controls the methods by which the records may be exported from the database and the formats in which the records are exported. The value for this option is in the form of two fields, separated by a vertical bar as shown below:


Any combination of values for each of the two fields can be entered, separated by commas. The entered destinations and types appear in the form that the Web Server sends to the browser when users choose to export marked records. Valid values are:

Values for <Destination>
browser The record is exported in HTML format to the Web browser.
email The record is emailed to the user (see also EMAILOP below).
local The record is saved to the Web browser's local disk drive.
Values for <Form>
full The full record is exported as an ASCII text file.
brief The brief record is exported as an ASCII text file.
marc The record is exported in MARC communications format.
endnote The record is exported in End-Note format.
procite The record is exported in ProCite format.

An example is:


If this option is not set, the WebPAC defaults to offering email and local for Destination, and marc and full for Form.


This option allows a library to disable export functionality in the WebPAC.

If this option is set to a "false" value (any word starting with 'f', 'F', 'n', 'N', or the number '0'), the WebPAC disables export functionality.

If this option is set to a "true" value (any word starting with 't', 'T', 'y', 'Y', or the number '1'), or is not defined, the WebPAC offers export functionality.


This option defines the display properties for the Export link. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:


For a graphic link example:

ICON_BUT_BIBEXPORT=<img src="/screens/bibexport.gif" alt="Export" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the value of the BUT_BIB_EXPORT Web option. If neither option is defined, the system uses following default:


This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the display properties for the Clear Marked link. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

ICON_BUT_CLEAR_MARKED=<strong>Clear Marked</strong>

For a graphic link example:

ICON_BUT_CLEAR_MARKED=<img src="/screens/clear_marked.gif" alt="Clear Marked" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the value of the BUT_CLEAR_MARKED Web option. If neither option is defined, the system uses following default:


This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the display properties for the Export Saved List link. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

ICON_BUT_EXPORT_MULTI=<strong>Export Saved List</strong>

For a graphic link example:

ICON_BUT_EXPORT_MULTI=<img src="/screens/export_multi.gif" alt="Export Saved List" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the value of the BUT_EXPORT_MULTI Web option. If neither option is defined, the system uses following default:


This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the display properties for the Export Saved link. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

ICON_BUT_EXPORT_VIEW_SAVES=<strong>Export Saved</strong>

For a graphic link example:

ICON_BUT_EXPORT_VIEW_SAVES=<img src="/screens/export_view_saves.gif" alt="Export Saved" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the value of the BUT_EXPORT_VIEW_SAVES Web option. If neither option is defined, the system uses following default:


This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the display properties for the View Saved Records link. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

ICON_BUT_VIEW_SAVES=<strong>View Saved</strong>

For a graphic link example:

ICON_BUT_VIEW_SAVES=<img src="/screens/view_saves.gif" alt="View Saved Records" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the value of the BUT_VIEW_SAVES Web option. If neither option is defined, the system uses following default:

ICON_BUT_VIEW_SAVES=View Saved Records

This option can vary by scope and language.


This option specifies the record types the WebPAC can export using the /xrecord command link. The value is:


Where [rectype] is a list of supported record types. The following record types are valid for this option:

Record Type Description
b bibliographic records
c checkin/holdings records
a authority records
i item records
r course reserves records
e resource records
l license records
t contact records

Your library should only enable contact records on a secure WebPAC.

For example:


This setting allows the WebPAC to export bibliographic (record type 'b') and item (record type 'i') records using the /xrecord command link.