Fields exported in ProCite/End Note Refer format

Your library can specify the fields from the bibliographic record to output when records are exported in the ProCite or End Note "Refer" formats. When this option is selected, the system prompts you to choose either ProCite format or End Note "Refer" format. If the files necessary for either of these options have not been set up yet on your system by Innovative staff, that option displays the message CALL Innov.

Valid ProCite and End Note "refer" Formats

For a list of valid fields in ProCite and End Note "refer" formats, consult your latest ProCite or End Note User Manuals.


Using RefWorks with End Note

RefWorks is a Web-based bibliography manager that loads references using various "filters" which convert the tag format of many databases into a readable language that RefWorks can then interpret and display. RefWorks is capable of importing and using text files in EndNote format.

For more information, refer to the "Getting Your References into RefWorks" and "Importing Text Files" tutorials on the RefWorks website.


ProCite Format

Your library can specify the fields from the bibliographic record to output into specific positions in the comma delimited (quoted) output. This format is suitable for import into ProCite bibliographic software. When exporting records in the ProCite format, the system always exports "A" in the workform field (ProCite "long" workform) and a blank ("") in the record number field. The system outputs all 45 data fields (if no data has been specified for a field, it is output as a blank).

When you select ProCite, the system displays a screen similar to the following:

  ProCite File
TAGS               MTAG     SUBFIELDS            COMMENTS
01 > --
02 > y (FIRST)          856      ALL                  856 field
03 > --
04 > --
05 > --
06 > --
07 > a (FIRST)                   ALL                  author, all
08 > --
09 > t (FIRST)                   ALL                  title, all
10 > --
11 > --
12 > --
13 > --
Key a number or
F > FORWARD                    E > EMPTY a selected field
P > PRINT                      R > RETURN to previous menu
Choose one (1-45,F,P,E,R)


You can "empty" an already defined field (i.e., specify that the system should not export any data to that ProCite field) by selecting the E > EMPTY a selected field option. The system prompts you to specify the line number of the field to empty and will prompt you to confirm your decision before it actually empties the field.

When you key the line number of an already defined field, the system presents a list of parameters that you can edit.

ProCite File
Field 2
1 > INNOVATIVE tags to export..............................................y
2 > Export first occurrence of field only, or all occurrences.......FIRST
3 > Mtag to export....................................................856
4 > List of subfields to export.......................................ALL
5 > Comment:....................................................856 field

Key a number or
R > RETURN to previous menu
Choose one (1-4,R)

Key the appropriate line number to edit the data.


1 > INNOVATIVE tags to export
ProCite File
Field 2

INNOVATIVE tags to export
Current Value: y

Press <RETURN> to empty this ProCite field, OR
Input new list of field tags (maximum of 10): ___________________

Specify the Innovative field group tag(s) (e.g., 't' for title) for the system to output to the selected ProCite field. You can enter a single tag or a list of tags; entries in the list can be separated by commas, or not, as you choose.


2 > Export first occurrence of field only, or all occurrences
ProCite File
Field 2

Export first occurrence of field only, or all occurrences
Current Setting: FIRST

Change setting to ALL? (y/n)

This parameter is used to determine what the system does if there is more than one field in the record with the given field group tag. You can choose to have the system export it only the first occurrence, or at all occurrences


3 > Mtag to export
ProCite File
Field 2

Mtag to export
Current Value: 856

Press <RETURN> to empty this field, OR
Enter new comment: ________________________________________

Specify the MARC tag for the system to output to the selected ProCite field. Valid entries are 856 or 962. This allows the export of URL information from y-tagged 856 and 962 fields. Multiple lines in the ProCite file containing y-tagged 856 and 962 fields are allowed.


4 > List of subfields to export
ProCite File
Field 2

List of subfields to export
Current Value: ALL

Input new list of subfield tags (or <RETURN> for ALL):

Enter a list of single-character subfield specifiers, e.g., 'a' for subfield 'a', to specify the subfields to export; the subfields are taken from MARC fields associated with the selected field group tag(s). If you leave this parameter blank, ALL subfields are exported. If you specify one or more subfields, only those specified are exported.


5 > Comment:
ProCite File
Field 2

Current Value: 856 field

Press <RETURN> to empty this ProCite field, OR
Enter new comment: ________________________________________

The system offers you the opportunity to enter a short comment.

End Note "Refer" Format

Your library can specify the fields from the bibliographic record which are assigned a particular identification code (label) when output in the End Note "Refer" format. This format is suitable for import into the End Note "Refer" bibliographic software. In this format, each exported field is on its own line and each line begins with a percent sign plus a single character code identifying the field. For example, exported author and title fields might look like the following:


%A Vonnegut, Kurt.


%T Breakfast of champions [sound recording] / Kurt Vonnegut.

When you choose to edit this format, the system displays a screen similar to the following:

End Note File
01 > %A Author            a (ALL)          ALL              author
02 > %D Year              p (FIRST)        c                publication year
03 > %T Title             t (ALL)          ALL              title
04 > %E Secondary Author    --
05 > %B Secondary Title     --
06 > %C Place Published   p (FIRST)        a                pub location
07 > %I Publisher         p (FIRST)        b                publisher
08 > %V Volume              --
09 > %6 Number of Volumes   --
10 > %N Number              --
11 > %P Pages               --
12 > %Y Tertiary Author     --
Key a number or
F > FORWARD                    E > EMPTY a selected field
P > PRINT                      R > RETURN to previous menu
Choose one (1-27,F,P,E,R)


In the first column, you will find the reference code (label), e.g., "%A" and the default name for that field, e.g., "Author". There are 27 of these predefined End Note "Refer" fields to which the system can export. For each of these, you have the opportunity to specify which Innovative field group tags and which subfields (from MARC fields) to export. You can also specify for the case where multiple fields in a record have the same field group tag (e.g., both the MARC 240 and MARC 245 are tag 't') whether only the first occurrence of that tag should be exported or all occurrences. In addition, you can add a comment to this screen.

The instructions for specifying data are the same as for ProCite.