The libinfo.html File
Command link: /libinfo
HTML document: libinfo.html
You can create a library information page accessible from the /libinfo command link by creating a libinfo.html file. This file does not exist by default.
This file can use the following tokens:
Token | Description |
<!--{toplogo}--> | The system replaces this token with the value of the TOPLOGO Web option. |
<!--{logout}--> | If your library uses My Account and the patron is logged in to My Account, the system replaces this token with a Logout button. After selecting this button, the patron returns to the Patron Information page for the original log on. If the TOPLOGO_LOGGEDIN Web option is set to a false value, the system ignores this token. |
<!--{patron}--> | If your library uses My Account, the system replaces this token with a You are logged in as:[patron name] message if the patron is logged in. |
<!--{botlogo}--> | The system replaces this token with the value of the BOTLOGO Web option. |
You can create separate custom files for each combination of language, scope, and patron type by using the following naming convention:
LANG | The language code (spi for Spanish, frc for French, etc.). |
s# | The number of the scope (s1, s2, s3, etc.). |
p# | The patron type or PTYPE (p0 or p243, etc.). |