Returning to Subset in Research Pro

Your library can offer Research Pro searches from multiple locations (for example, WebPAC, My Account, your library home page, university Web site, or subject guides) by using the Research Pro passthrough search feature. The Research Pro Return to Subset feature enables the New Search option on the Research Pro results page to point the user back to the passthrough page from which they began their Research Pro search, regardless of how many possible starting points exist for your Research Pro.

The Returning to Subset feature works as follows:

  1. The user launches a Research Pro search from any one of your library's Research Pro starting points, such as WebPAC, My Account, your library's main Web page.
  2. The system records the user's starting point in a cookie before the search is passed to Research Pro.
  3. Research Pro returns search results to the user.
  4. When the user clicks the New Search icon to launch another Research Pro search, the user is taken back to the starting point from which the first Research Pro search was launched.

Setting Up Returning to Subset in Research Pro

In order to offer the Research Pro Return to Subset feature on your system, you must complete the following configuration steps:

  1. Edit your Research Pro passthrough search page(s).
  2. Search for the link to "/iii/mfrpro/" in the body of each page. For example:
    <!--Research Pro Passthrough-->
    <form class="unpadded" action="" 
    <table class="unpadded" width="90%" border="0" 
    cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" class="centered">
    <tr valign="top" class="pageMainArea">
    <td colspan="2" class="pageMainArea">
    <!--Choose what type of search-->
  3. For each link that you want to use, prepend the link to your Research Pro server (e.g., with the the /mfgo command link in the following format:

    /mfgo SourceURL
    WebPAChttp:///mfgo/http://[Research Pro domain]:[port]/iii/mfrpro/
    Non-WebPAC domainhttp://[External domain]:[port]//mfgo/http://[Research Pro domain]:[port]/iii/mfrpro/

    The URL element is composed of the following:

    URL ElementDescription
    [external domain]The domain name for a server that is not running WebPAC. For example,
    [Research Pro domain]The domain name for the Research Pro server. For example,
    [port]The port number associated with the domain name. Typically this value is 80 for WebPAC and 800 for Research Pro.

    Prepend the /mfgo link with the [WebPAC domain] and associated [port] value, not with the [Research Pro domain] and associated [port] value.

    For example:
    <!--Research Pro Passthrough-->
    <form class="unpadded" 
    <table class="unpadded" width="90%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" class="centered">
    <tr valign="top" class="pageMainArea">
    <td colspan="2" class="pageMainArea">
    <!--Choose what type of search-->
  4. Set the MF_RETURN Web option to a true value.
  5. Set the MF_RETURN_URL Web option, as needed.

    You can implement the Research Pro Return to Subset feature for selected passthrough search pages only. Any Research Pro search that is launched from a page that does not include the /mfgo link will return the user to the main Research Pro search page that your library previously identified.

See also:
Searching From a Passthrough Search