Research Pro Options

This page describes the Web options for the Research Pro options group. These options are valid only for libraries running Research Pro. Review these options to determine any necessary setup your organization might need to perform.


This option defines the URL for the thumbnail inserted by Research Pro into search results and an optional URL for the full-sized image in search results. The image format is:

MF_BIBIMAGE=[thumbnail URL]|[full-sized URL]

Where [thumbnail URL] is the URL for the record thumbnail and [full-sized URL] is the URL for the full-sized image. The URL values accept the following special placeholder for the ISBN value: %s

For example:


This option can vary by account.


This option specifies an image or text to display on the bottom line of Research Pro pages. For example:

MF_BOTLOGO=<CENTER><img src="Resources/Images/screens/iiicwrlog.gif"> <ALT IMG="Software from Innovative Interfaces, Inc"></CENTER>

You can specify an external URL or HTML file as the source of the bottom line by preceding the URL or filename with the '@' character, as shown in the example below:


Note that in this example, the file resides in the screens directory.


The files specified in this option cannot contain HTML <head>, <form>, and <meta> tags.

If this option is not defined or is commented out, the system will not display a bottom logo.

This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the error message to display if the user enters an invalid email address. The option format is:


Where [message] is a text string stating the error message.

If this option is not defined or is commented out, the system uses the following default setting:

MF_EMAIL_INVALID_MSG=Your email address is invalid

This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the "Reply To:" address for the saved results email generated by Research Pro. The address specified in this option is not verified prior to sending the message. The address value must be a valid user name on the system . The option format is:

MF_EMAIL_REPLYTO=[email address]

Where [email address] is your specified and fully qualified email address. For example:

If this option is not defined or is commented out, the system uses the value of the MF_EMAIL_SENDER Web option as the value of the "Reply To:" and "From:" addresses.

This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the sender for the saved results email generated by Research Pro. The address specified in this option is not verified prior to sending the message. The address value must be a valid user name on the system . The option format is:

MF_EMAIL_SENDER=mfrpro@[fully qualified domain]

Where [fully qualified domain] is the domain for the specified email address. For example

If this option is not defined or is commented out, the system uses a default set up by Innovative upon account installation.


This option defines the "Subject" line for the saved results email generated by Research Pro. The option format is:


Where [subject] is a text string stating the subject line for the email.

If this option is not defined or is commented out, the system uses the following default setting:

MF_EMAIL_SUBJECT=Research Pro results from your library

This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the system message to display when a user attempts to execute a search without entering a search term. This option accepts a text string as a value.

For example:

MF_EMPTYTERMS_MSG=No search term entered

If this option is not defined or is commented out, the system uses the following default setting:

MF_EMPTYTERMS_MSG=No empty terms allowed

This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the system message to display when a user enters a search term in the second or third input box on the Research Pro Advanced Search while leaving the first input box empty. This option accepts a text string as a value.

For example:

MF_EMPTYTERMBEFORENOTEMPTYTERM_MSG=No empty term allowed before a non-empty term

If this option is not defined or is commented out, the system uses the following default setting:

MF_EMPTYTERMBEFORENOTEMPTYTERM_MSG=No empty term allowed before a non-empty term

This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the system message to display if the View Results page is still processing the saved records list. This option accepts a text string as a value.

For example:


If this option is not defined or is commented out, the system uses the following default setting:

MF_EXPORT_INPROGRESS_MSG=Still updating your list... Please wait a moment, then click Update List to view your saved records.

This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the display properties of the Advanced Search icon on the Research Pro simple search page. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

MF_ICON_ADVANCED_SEARCH=<strong>Advanced Search</strong>

For a graphic link example:

MF_ICON_ADVANCED_SEARCH=<img src="/screens/mf_adv_srch.gif" alt="Advanced Search" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the display properties of the Clear icon on the Research Pro search pages. Clicking this icon clears all values from input boxes and checkboxes on the page. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:


For a graphic link example:

MF_ICON_CLEAR=<img src="/screens/mf_clear.gif" alt="Clear" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the display properties of the Close icon on the Research Pro saved results page. Clicking this icon closes the Saved Results page. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:


For a graphic link example:

MF_ICON_CLOSE=<img src="/screens/mf_close.gif" alt="Close" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the display properties of the Deselect All icon for removing all previously-saved results on a page from a saved list. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

MF_ICON_DESELECTALL=<strong>Deselect All</strong>

For a graphic link example:

MF_ICON_DESELECTALL=<img src="/screens/mf_deselectall.gif" alt="Deselect All" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the display properties of the Email icon on the Research Pro saved results page. Clicking this icon sends your saved list of Research Pro results to the specified email address. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:


For a graphic link example:

MF_ICON_EMAIL=<img src="/screens/mf_email.gif" alt="Email" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by language and account.


Research Pro 2.0

This Web option is valid in Research Pro 2.0 and later.

This option defines the image and display text for the system to display as the Excel link in Research Pro. Clicking this link accesses an Excel spreadsheet resource. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

MF_ICON_EXCEL=<strong>View Excel</strong>

For a graphic link example:

MF_ICON_EXCEL=<img src="/screens/mf_excel.gif" alt="Excel" border="0" />

This option does not have a default setting. If this option is not defined, Research Pro does not display Excel links on any results pages.

This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the display properties of the Help icon on the Research Pro search pages. Clicking this icon calls the Research Pro help page. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:


For a graphic link example:

MF_ICON_HELP=<img src="/screens/mf_help.gif" alt="Help" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by language and account.


Research Pro 2.0

This Web option is valid in Research Pro 2.0 and later.

This option defines the image and display text for the system to display as the Full HTML link in Research Pro. Clicking this link displays resources in HTML. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

MF_ICON_HTML=<strong>Full HTML</strong>

For a graphic link example:

MF_ICON_HTML=<img src="/screens/mf_html.gif" alt="Full HTML" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the image and display text for the system to display as the WebBridge link in Research Pro. Clicking this link accesses WebBridge. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:


For a graphic link example:

MF_ICON_LINKRESOLVER=<img src="/screens/mf_webbridge.gif" alt="WebBridge" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines display properties for the Logoff button displayed in Research Pro when a user is logged-in to My Account. Clicking this link logs the user out of My Account and Research Pro. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:


For a graphic link example:

MF_ICON_LOGOFFACCOUNT=<img src="/screens/mf_logoffaccout.gif" alt="Logout" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the display properties of the Research Pro Favorites icon on the Research Pro search pages. Clicking this icon saves search resources as a Research Pro favorites group. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

MF_ICON_MFFAVS_GROUP=<strong>Research Pro Favorites</strong>

For a graphic link example:

MF_ICON_MFFAVS_GROUP=<img src="/screens/mf_favorites.gif" alt="Research Pro Favorites" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the display properties of the New Search icon on the Research Pro search pages. Clicking this icon directs the user to the Research Pro search page from which the search originated. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

MF_ICON_NEW_SEARCH=<strong>New Search</strong>

For a graphic link example:

MF_ICON_NEW_SEARCH=<img src="/screens/mf_newsearch.gif" alt="New Search" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines Return to patron record link in Research Pro. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

MF_ICON_PATRON_REC=<strong>Patron Record</strong>

For a graphic link example:

MF_ICON_PATRON_REC=<img src="/screens/patronrec.gif" alt="Return to patron record" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:

MF_ICON_PATRON_REC=Return to patron record

This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the display properties of the Submit icon on the Research Pro verification page. Clicking this icon submits verification information in the patron verification form. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:


For a graphic link example:

MF_ICON_PATSUBMIT=<img src="/screens/mf_patsumbit.gif" alt="Submit" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by language and account.


Research Pro 2.0

This Web option is valid in Research Pro 2.0 and later.

This option defines the image and display text for the system to display as the PDF link in Research Pro. Clicking this link accesses an Adobe PDF resource. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

MF_ICON_PDF=<strong>View PDF</strong>

For a graphic link example:

MF_ICON_PDF=<img src="/screens/mf_pdf.gif" alt="PDF" border="0" />

This option does not have a default setting. If this option is not defined, Research Pro does not display PDF links on any results pages.

This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the display properties for the Previous Search icon in Research Pro. Clicking this link takes the user to the previous search page. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

MF_ICON_PREVSEARCH=<strong>Previous Search</strong>

For a graphic link example:

MF_ICON_PREVSEARCH=<img src="/screens/prevsearch.gif" alt="Previous Search" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the display properties of the Print icon on the Research Pro saved results page. Clicking this icon sends a print command to your browser to print your saved list of Research Pro results. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:


For a graphic link example:

MF_ICON_PRINT=<img src="/screens/mf_print.gif" alt="Print" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the display properties of the Return to Catalog icon on the Research Pro pages. Clicking this icon directs the user to the WebPAC catalog. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

MF_ICON_RET2CAT=<strong>Return to Catalog</strong>

For a graphic link example:

MF_ICON_RET2CAT=<img src="/screens/mf_ret2cat.gif" alt="Return to Catalog" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the display properties of the Home icon on the Research Pro pages. Clicking this icon directs the user to the URL defined in the MF_RETHOME_URL Web option.


If the MF_RETHOME_URL Web option is not defined, the system does not display a Home link.

This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:


For a graphic link example:

MF_ICON_RETHOME=<img src="/screens/mf_rethome.gif" alt="Home" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the display properties of the Search icon on the Research Pro pages. Clicking this icon submits the search in Research Pro. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:


For a graphic link example:

MF_ICON_SEARCH=<img src="/screens/mf_search.gif" alt="Return to Catalog" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the display properties of the Select All icon for saving all results on a page to a saved list. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

MF_ICON_SELECTALL=<strong>Select All</strong>

For a graphic link example:

MF_ICON_SELECTALL=<img src="/screens/mf_selectall.gif" alt="Select All" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the display properties of the Simple Search icon on the Research Pro Advanced Search page. Clicking this icon submits the search in Research Pro. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

MF_ICON_SIMPLE_SEARCH=<strong>Simple Search</strong>

For a graphic link example:

MF_ICON_SIMPLE_SEARCH=<img src="/screens/mf_simple_search.gif" alt="Simple Search" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the display properties of the Stop icon in the progress box on the search results page. Clicking this icon stops all searches. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:


For a graphic link example:

MF_ICON_STOP=<img src="/screens/mf_stop.gif" alt="Stop" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the display properties of the Submit icon on Research Pro forms. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:


For a graphic link example:

MF_ICON_SUBMIT=<img src="/screens/mf_submit.gif" alt="Submit" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the display properties of the Update List icon for updating a saved list. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

MF_ICON_UPDATELIST=<strong>Update List</strong>

For a graphic link example:

MF_ICON_UPDATELIST=<img src="/screens/mf_updatelist.gif" alt="Update List" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the display properties of the View Saved icon. Clicking this link takes the user to the View Saved Results form (MFSavedResults.html). This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

MF_ICON_VIEWSAVED=<strong>View Saved</strong>

For a graphic link example:

MF_ICON_VIEWSAVED=<img src="/screens/mf_viewsaved.gif" alt="View Saved" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the link to a file containing any JavaScript files to include in system-generated pages. The value is:

MF_JAVASCRIPT=[javascript file]|[javascript file]|...

Where [javascript file] is the directory and file name for the JavaScript file you want to include. You can specify multiple JavaScript files by delimiting the entries with a vertical bar. When specifying a JavaScript file, you must specify the directory the file resides in if it is not in the same directory as the Web options file.

For example:


This option does not have a default setting.

This option can vary by account.


This option defines the languages offered in Research Pro. The value is:

MF_LANGUAGE=[language code],[language label]|[language code],[language label]|...

Where each instance of [language code] is a valid Innovative language code installed on your system and each instance of [language label] is the label for that language code.

For example:


If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by account.


When this option is set to a true value (any word starting with 't', 'T', 'y', 'Y', or the number '1'), Research Pro does not display the OpenURL resolution server link in results if the system displays PDF or HTML buttons specified by the MF_ICON_PDF and MF_ICON_HTML options.

When this option is set to a false value (any word starting with 'f', 'F', 'n', 'N', or the number '0'), or not defined, the system displays the OpenURL resolution server link normally.


This option defines the image and display text for the system to display as the WebBridge link in Research Pro. The option value is:


Where [graphic] is the link to a graphic for the link display. This element accepts relative links to the http/ directory on the Innovative server. [text] is the text to display as the link if there is no graphic. The [text] element does not accept HTML formatting in text links.

For example:


This option does not have a default setting.


This option defines the URL used by the WebBridge link in Research Pro. The option value is:


Where [url] is the fully-qualified URL pointing to WebBridge. For example:


This option can vary by account.


This option defines the logout message for expired sessions in Integrated Sign On for Research Pro. This option accepts a text value. For example:

MF_LOGOUT_CAS_MSG=Your session has expired. You must login again.

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:

MF_LOGOUT_CAS_MSG=Your session has expired, please log in.

This option can vary by language.


This option defines the logout confirmation message for Research Pro. This option accepts a text value. For example:


If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:

MF_LOGOUT_CONFIRM_MSG=Are you sure you want to logout?

This option can vary by language.


This option defines the target URL for redirecting users after logging out from Research Pro. This option accepts a URL value. For example:


If this option is not defined, the system redirects the user to the simple search screen. If your library uses integrated login, the system redirects the user to the integrated login screen.

This option can vary by account.


This option defines the You are logged in as [patron name] message that displays when a patron logs in to My Account and then accesses Research Pro. This option accepts a text value as well as two variable elements. The variable elements are:

Variable Element Description
%0 The library assigned to the Research Pro account the patron accessed.
%1 The patron name as listed in the patron record.

For example:

MF_LOGGEDIN_MSG=You have logged into %0 as %1

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:

MF_LOGGEDIN_MSG=You are logged into %0 as %1

This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the message to display when a user is blocked from accessing Research Pro due to the account ID settings in the mf.conf file. This option accepts a text value. For example:

MF_MFACCESS_BLOCKED_ACCOUNT_MSG=This computer is not allowed access to Research Pro

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:

MF_MFACCESS_BLOCKED_ACCOUNT_MSG=Sorry, this computer is not allowed to access the selected federated searching account.

This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the message to display when a user is blocked from accessing Research Pro due to valid home library settings in the mf.conf file. This option accepts a text value. For example:

MF_MFACCESS_BLOCKED_HOMELIB_MSG=Sorry, patrons from your home library are blocked from accessing this federated searching account.

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:

MF_MFACCESS_BLOCKED_HOMELIB_MSG=Sorry, patrons from your home library are blocked from accessing this federated searching account.

This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the message to display when a user is blocked from accessing Research Pro due to IP address settings in the mfaccess file. This option accepts a text value. For example:

MF_MFACCESS_BLOCKED_IP_MSG=This computer is not allowed access to Research Pro

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:

MF_MFACCESS_BLOCKED_IP_MSG=Sorry, this computer is not allowed to access federated searching.

This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the message to display when a user is using a PC blocked from access to the network Research Pro is on. This option accepts a text value. For example:

MF_MFACCESS_BLOCKED_NETACCESS_MSG=This computer is not allowed access to Research Pro

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:

MF_MFACCESS_BLOCKED_NETACCESS_MSG=Sorry, this computer is not allowed to access the selected federated searching account.

This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the message to display when a user is blocked from accessing Research Pro due to valid patron type settings in the mf.conf file. This option accepts a text value. For example:

MF_MFACCESS_BLOCKED_PTYPE_MSG=Your patron type is not allowed access to Research Pro

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:

MF_MFACCESS_BLOCKED_PTYPE_MSG=Sorry, your patron type is blocked from accessing this federated searching account.

This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the message to display when a user is blocked from accessing Research Pro due to service level settings in the mf.conf file. This option accepts a text value. For example:

MF_MFACCESS_BLOCKED_SRVC_LVL_MSG=Your service level does not allow access to Research Pro

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:

MF_MFACCESS_BLOCKED_SRVC_LVL_MSG=Sorry, you do not have a high enough service level to access this federated searching account.

This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the message to display when a user attempts to use an expired Research Pro session. This option accepts a text value. For example:

MF_MFACCESS_SESSION_GONE_MSG=Your Research Pro session is no longer valid. Please try again.

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:

MF_MFACCESS_SESSION_GONE_MSG=Sorry, your Research Pro session is no longer valid. Please try again.

This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the message to display when a user tries to save a Research Pro favorites group with no categories or resources selected. This option accepts a text value. For example:

MF_MFFAVSGROUP_MSG=You must have at least one resource selected before saving

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:

MF_MFFAVSGROUP_MSG=You must have at least one resource selected before saving

This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the label that appears next to the user input box for saving a group name. It is part of the Research Pro search setup window. For example:

MF_NAME_YOUR_GROUP_MSG=Specify a group name:

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:

MF_NAME_YOUR_GROUP_MSG=Name your group:

This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the message to display when a user submits a search without selecting any resources. This option accepts a text value. For example:

MF_NORESOURCE_MSG=You must select at least one resource to search!

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:

MF_NORESOURCE_MSG=Select at least one resource

This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the number of search results to return in Research Pro. The value is:

MF_PAGELIMIT=[drop-down value]|[pre-selected]

Value Element Description
[drop-down value] This element contains a comma-delimited list of values to show in the drop-down menu of results to return. The system ignores values over 100.

[pre-selected] This element defines which of the values specified in the [drop-down value] to offer as the default. If this value does not match a value specified in the [drop-down value] element, the system ignores this option and uses the default setting.

For example:


In this example, Research Pro offers users the option to limit results to 10, 12, 20, or 50 results per page. The 12 results per page option is the pre-selected system default.

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the message to display if user fails patronverificationn. This option accepts a text value. For example:

MF_PVERIFY_INVALID_MSG=Sorry, the information you submitted was invalid. Please try again.

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:

MF_PVERIFY_INVALID_MSG=Sorry, the information you submitted was invalid. Please try again.

This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the message to display if users are required to provide a barcode in patron verification and fail to do so. This option accepts a text value. For example:

MF_PVERIFY_NOBARCODE_MSG=You must enter a barcode

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:

MF_PVERIFY_NOBARCODE_MSG=You must enter a barcode to login

This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the message to display if users are required to provide a name in patron verification and fail to do so. This option accepts a text value. For example:

MF_PVERIFY_NONAME_MSG=You must enter a name

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:

MF_PVERIFY_NONAME_MSG=You must enter a name to login

This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the message to display if users are required to provide a barcode in patron verification and fail to do so. This option accepts a text value. For example:

MF_PVERIFY_NOPIN_MSG=You must enter you PIN

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:

MF_PVERIFY_NOPIN_MSG=You must enter a PIN to login

This option can vary by language and account.


This option controls the display of the link to toggle between tabbed and interfiled results views on search results pages. The option format is:

MF_RESULTSVIEW=tabbed,[tabbed label]|standard,[interfiled label]

Where [tabbed label] is the text label assigned to the tabbed display toggle link and [interfiled label] is the text label assigned to the interfiled display toggle link. For example:

MF_RESULTSVIEW=tabbed,Tabbed by Resource|standard,All Results Interfiled

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the URL to direct a user to when a user clicks the link defined by the MF_ICON_RET2CAT Web option. The value for this option must be a fully-qualified URL. For example:


This option does not have a default setting.

This option can vary by language and account.


This option works as follows:

MF_RETURN Setting The /mfgo Command Link Defined Description
Any word starting with t, T, y, Y, or the number 1 Yes The New Search link on the Search Results page returns the user to the link defined by the /mfgo command link. The system does not use the URL defined in the MF_RETURN_URL Web option.
Any word starting with t, T, y, Y, or the number 1 No The New Search link on the Search Results page returns the user to the link defined in the MF_RETURN_URL Web option.
Any word starting with f, F, n, N, or the number 0 or not defined. Yes or No The New Search link on the Search Results page returns the user to the search page for the type of search performed (e.g., the Research Pro Simple Search page if the user initiated a simple search).

The MF_RETURN Web option requires the MF_RETURN_URL to be defined in order to work. If the MF_RETURN_URL Web option is not defined, the system treats the MF_RETURN Web option as having a "false" value.

This option can vary by account.


This option defines the URL to direct a user to when the MF_RETURN Web option is set to a true value and the /mfgo command link is not defined. For example:


This option does not have a default setting. If this option is not set, the system treats the MF_RETURN Web option as false.

This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the URL to direct a user to when a user clicks the link defined by the MF_ICON_RETHOME Web option. The value for this option must be a fully-qualified URL. For example:


This option does not have a default setting.

This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the length of time, in seconds, before an inactive user is logged out and redirected to the URL specified in the MF_SCREEN_TIMEOUT_URL option. For example:


In this example, an inactive user is logged out and redirected after 5 minutes (300 seconds) of inactivity.

The minimum valid value is 120 seconds. If this option is not defined, the system uses a default setting of 1740 seconds (29 minutes).

This option can vary by account.


Prior to logging out a user, the system displays a timeout message prompting the user to extend their session. This option specifies the number of seconds prior to the logout at which Research Pro displays the timeout warning message. For example:


If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by account.


This option defines the text the system displays in the timeout popup window. For example:

MF_SCREEN_TIMEOUT_MSG=If you need additional time, please click to avoid timeout.

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:

MF_SCREEN_TIMEOUT_MSG=If you need additional time, please click to extend your session, otherwise you will be logged off your current session automatically.

This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the URL users are directed to after timing out. For example:


If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:

MF_SCREEN_TIMEOUT_URL=[library catalog]

Where [library catalog] is the address for your library's WebPAC main menu.

This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the choices for the initial view of results. Valid values are:


Where [view] is either standard (for interfiled results view) or tabbed (for tabbed results view).


The MF_SEARCHRESULTSSCREEN Web option only defines the default for the initial view of search results. If a user changes the results view and executes a new search, Research Pro displays results in the user's last results view.

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by account.


This option defines the options available in the Search Type drop-down list. The option values are:


Value Description
[index] This value is the system code for the index being searched. Valid values are:
Valid ValueIndex Searched
KeywordsThe keyword index
:CREATORThe author index
:TITLEThe title index
:SUBJECTThe subject index
[label] This value is the label associated with the index being searched. This value can be any text label.

For example:


If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by language and account.


This option defines the order of the tabs on the search results page. Valid values are:


Where [order] is either alpha (for alphabetical order) or sortorder (based on the SORTORDER element in the mfrpro.xml file).

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by account.


This option defines the stylesheets to use in Research Pro. You can specify multiple stylesheets by delimiting with a vertical bar (|). For example:


This option can vary by language and account.


Research Pro uses the system-generated MFStyles.css file to define default display styles. To override any of the styles declared in the MFStyles.css file, create your own stylesheet and define your updated styles, as needed, then set the MF_STYLESHEET Web option to cascade your stylesheet on top of the MFStyles.css file.


This option specifies an image or text to display as the top logo for Research Pro pages. For example:

MF_TOPLOGO=<img src="/screens/inno-bar.gif">

You can specify an external URL or HTML file as the source of the bottom line by preceding the URL or filename with the '@' character, as shown in the example below:


Note that in this example, the file resides in the screens directory.


The files specified in this option cannot contain HTML <head>, <form>, and <meta> tags.

If this option is not defined or is commented out, the system does not display a top logo.

This option can vary by language and account.


Research Pro 2.0

This Web option is valid in Research Pro 2.0 and later.

This option defines the number of minutes that a Research Pro search result link stays authenticated in the Research Pro proxy. The option value is:


For example:


This setting expires link authorization in two hours.

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following setting:



Research Pro 2.0

This Web option is valid in Research Pro 2.0 and later.

This option defines the message displayed in Research Pro when the proxy rejects a results link due to an expired authorization. The patron restores authorization for all results links by executing another search in Research Pro. The value is:


For example:

MF_XPROXY_REJECT_MSG=Your link authorization has expired. Please return to Research Pro and do a search to reauthorize your links.

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default:

MF_XPROXY_REJECT_MSG=Your link authorization has expired. Please return to the federated search and do a search to reauthorize your links.