The mfrpro.xml File

Command link:     None
HTML document:  mfrpro.xml

The mfrpro.xml file controls the display properties for resources and categories listed in the category.xml file (for Research Pro 2.0 and later) or the SEARCH.xml file (for Research Pro 1.0), including the ability to suppress the display of resources.

You can edit the mfrpro.xml file using the Web Master function.


Note that the < and & characters are invalid in an XML file and must be represented as character entities (&lt; and &amp; respectively). To include a name like Arts & Sciences, enter it in the XML file as Arts &amp; Sciences.

The XML elements are divided into the following sections:

All Resources Labels

This portion controls the label for the All Resources tab in the Interfiled Search Results display. The XML elements controlling the label are:

Element Description
<ALL_RESOURCES_LABELS> This marks the beginning of the All Resources Labels entries.
<LONG_DISPLAY_NAME> This element defines the properties for the long text label used by the system as the All Resources label on the Interfiled Search Results display page. This element value must match the <SHORT_DISPLAY_NAME> value for the All Resources Labels entries. This element accepts the following sub-elements:
<DEFAULT>This element defines the default text for the All Resources long text label.
<LANGUAGE_SPECIFIC>Elements listed under this element define any alternate language labels for the All Resources long text label.
<[language code]>The <[language code]> defines individual All Resources long text labels for alternate languages where [language code] is a three-character language code that is valid for your system.
For example:
    <SPI>Todos los recursos</SPI>

In the above example, the system uses that setting as the All Resources long text label for Spanish.

The <[language code]> element accepts diacritics in numeric utf8 format.

<SHORT_DISPLAY_NAME> This element defines the properties for the short text label used by the system as the All Resources label on the Interfiled Search Results display page. This element value must match the <LONG_DISPLAY_NAME> value for the All Resources Labels entries. This element accepts the following sub-elements:
<DEFAULT>This element defines the default text for the All Resources short text label.
<LANGUAGE_SPECIFIC>Elements listed under this element define any alternate language labels for the All Resources short text label.
<[language code]>The <[language code]> defines individual All Resources short text labels for alternate languages where [language code] is a three-character language code that is valid for your system.

For example:


In the above example, the system uses that setting as the All Resources short text label for Spanish.

The <[language code]> element accepts diacritics in numeric utf8 format.

Category Mapping

This portion of the file contains the following XML elements:

Element Description
<CATEGORY_MAP> This marks the beginning of the category mapping entries.
<GROUP> This element defines categories in Research Pro and is equivalent to the <GROUP> element in the category.xml file. If the value of a <GROUP> element in the mfrpro.xml file does not match a valid <GROUP> element in the category.xml file, the system ignores the entry in the mfrpro.xml file.
The only exception to this condition is the Default<GROUP> value. The Default<GROUP> is not defined using the category.xml file but is defined using the <DEFAULT_TARGET> value in the mfrpro.xml file. Display values for the Default<GROUP> are managed the same way as any other group.
<LONG_DISPLAY_NAME> This element defines the long text label used by the system as the category display name on the search pages. This element accepts the following sub-elements:
<DEFAULT>This element defines the default text for the category long text label.
<LANGUAGE_SPECIFIC>Elements listed under this element define any alternate language labels for the category long text label.
<[language code]>The <[language code]> defines individual category long text labels for alternate languages where [language code] is a three-character language code that is valid for your system.
For example:
<SPI>Las mejores apuestas</SPI>

In the above example, the system uses that setting as the Best Bets category long text label for Spanish.

The <[language code]> element accepts diacritics in numeric utf8 format.

<DISPLAY_VALUE> This element defines display properties for categories and resources listed within categories. Valid values are:
NO_EXPANDDisplay the category but suppress display of the resource list in the resource group display.
NONESuppress display of the category and any of its resources on any search page.
If this element is not defined, the system displays both the category and its resources.


      <DEFAULT>Best Bets</DEFAULT>
      <ENG>Best Bets</ENG>
      <SPI>Las Mejores Apuestas</SPI>
      <DEFAULT>Science &amp; Medicine </DEFAULT>
      <ENG>Science &amp; Medicine</ENG>
      <SPI>Ciencia y medicina</SPI>

Resource Mapping

This portion of the file contains the following XML elements:

Element Description
<RESOURCE_MAP> This marks the beginning of the resource mapping entries.
<TARGET> This element defines target resources in Research Pro. This value is a valid resource connector. Resource connectors are assigned by Innovative's Research Pro Profiling Team. If the value of a <TARGET> element in the mfrpro.xml file does not match a valid <LINK> element in the category.xml file, the system ignores the entry in the mfrpro.xml file.
<LONG_DISPLAY_NAME> This element defines the resource display name on search pages. If this element is not defined, the system uses the value of the <SHORT_DISPLAY_NAME> element.
<DEFAULT>This element defines the default text for the resource long text label.
<LANGUAGE_SPECIFIC>Elements listed under this element define any alternate language labels for the resource long text label.
<[language code]>The <[language code]> defines individual resource long text labels for alternate languages where [language code] is a three-character language code that is valid for your system.
For example:
<SPI>[Spanish label]</SPI>
In the above example, the system uses that setting as the resource long text label for Spanish.

The <[language code]> element accepts diacritics in numeric utf8 format.

<SHORT_DISPLAY_NAME> This element defines the resource display name on the tabs in the tabbed search results page and the resource name navigation on the interfiled results page. If this element is not defined, the system uses the value of the <TARGET> element as a short label display for the category.

This element should contain a minimum amount of characters to ensure the entire name displays in the tab and avoid display problems on the tabbed results view.

<DEFAULT>This element defines the default text for the resource short text label.
<LANGUAGE_SPECIFIC>Elements listed under this element define any alternate language labels for the resource short text label.
<[language code]>The <[language code]> defines individual resource short text labels for alternate languages where [language code] is a three-character language code that is valid for your system.

For example:
<SPI>[Spanish label]</SPI>
In the above example, the system uses that setting as the resource short text label for Spanish.

The <[language code]> element accepts diacritics in numeric utf8 format.

<DEFAULT_TARGET> This element defines whether a resource is part of the Default category. When this element is set to true, Research Pro adds the specified resource to the Default category in addition to any other categories the resource is included in.
<SORTORDER> This element defines the sort order of the specified resource. Valid values are integers from 1 upwards. A zero or negative value lists the resource at the bottom of the display. The system uses this element only if the MF_SORT_PREFERENCE Web option is set with the sortorder value. Otherwise, the system sorts resource tabs alphabetically by display name.
<LINK> This element defines a target HREF for a resource display name on the search pages. If this element is included, Research Pro displays the resource name as a hyperlink to the specified URL. Valid values are any fully qualified URL (e.g., The system does not validate the URL.
<OPENURL_ACTIVE> This boolean element defines whether Research Pro should offer a link to additional resources in the search results for this resource. If set to true, Research Pro examines each search result's data for at least one of: ISSN, ISBN, or combination of Title and Date. If any of these elements exist in the record, then Research Pro builds an OpenURL link to the OpenURL Resolution Server using the available citation information and displays the link in the results set using the value of the MF_ICON_LINKRESOLVER and MF_LINKRESOLVER_CONDITIONAL Web options. If those elements are not found, or if the <OPENURL_ACTIVE> element is set to false, then Research Pro does not display an OpenURL link for search results from this resource.


      <ENG> </ENG>
      <FRC> </FRC>
      <ENG> </ENG>
      <FRC> </FRC>
      <ENG> </ENG>
      <FRC> </FRC>
      <ENG> </ENG>
      <FRC> </FRC>