The privacy.html File

Command link:     /privacy
HTML document:  privacy.html

You can create a privacy policy page accessible from the /privacy command link by creating a privacy.html file. This file does not exist by default.

Valid tokens include:

Token Description
<!--{toplogo}--> The system replaces this token with the value of the TOPLOGO Web option.
<!--{logout}--> If your library uses My Account and the patron is logged in, WebPAC replaces this token with a Logout button. Clicking this button logs the user out of My Account. If the TOPLOGO_LOGGEDIN Web option is set to a false value, the system ignores this token.
<!--{patron}--> If your library uses My Account and the patron is logged in, WebPAC replaces this token with a "You are logged in as: [patron name]" message.
<!--{botlogo}--> The system replaces this token with the value of the BOTLOGO Web option.

You can create separate privacy files for each language defined in your system by using the following naming convention:


where LANG is the language code (for example, "spi" for Spanish, "frc" for French, and so on).

Consider coordinating the implementation of this page with the implementation of the cookie notification message, if used. For example, you might want to link from the cookie message to the privacy policy. For more information, see Providing Privacy Information.