Scoping Options

This page describes the Web options for the Scoping options group. Review these options to determine any necessary setup that your organization might need to perform.


This option defines the image to display for the scope link that displays for the <!--{resetscope:[#]}--> token on the srchhelp.html, srchhelp_X.html, srchhelp_Y.html, and srchhelp_Z.html pages. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

ICON_RESETSCOPE=<strong>Reset Scope</strong>

For a graphic link example:

ICON_RESETSCOPE=<img src="/screens/resetscope.gif" alt="Reset Scope" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by scope and language.


For libraries that have scoping, this option controls the ability of WebPAC users to change their current scope. The default scope for an individual login is set with the Admin App. The WebPAC logins are set in N > Limit NETWORK access.

The RESET_SCOPE option controls whether the scope is reset when users select the START OVER button.

The value of the LOCKSCOPE option is either "TRUE" ('1', the characters 'T', 't', 'Y', or 'y', or any word beginning with one of these characters) or "FALSE" ('0', the characters 'F', 'f', 'N', or 'n', or any word beginning with one of these characters) and controls whether WebPAC users can change the scope as follows:

Login's Scope LOCKSCOPE Value Resulting Behavior
No scope FALSE The initial scope for the login is set to "all". The user can change the scope by using the SCOPE drop-down menu.
No scope TRUE The initial scope for the login is set to "all". The SCOPE drop-down menu is not offered, preventing the user from changing the current scope.
Scope set FALSE The initial scope is set to that defined for the login. The user can change the scope by using the SCOPE drop-down menu.
Scope set TRUE The initial scope is set to that defined for the login. The SCOPE drop-down menu is not offered, preventing the user from changing the current scope.

If this option is not set, the login's scope is forced to that set in Admin App and cannot be changed.


For libraries that have scoping, this option specifies whether the scope is reset when the START OVER button is selected. When set to a "TRUE" value ('1', the characters 'T', 't', 'Y', or 'y', or any word beginning with one of these characters), the scope is reset to that for the login to which the client is attached.