WebBridge, WebBridge LR, and Pathfinder Pro Options

This page describes the Web options for the following options groups:

Review these options to determine any necessary setup that your organization might need to perform. To use these options, your organization must have acquired one of the following products:

WebBridge Options

These options are for the WebBridge product only.


This option specifies the timeout period for the WebBridge Management menu. The default is 15 minutes. Note that the client times out 2 minutes before the setting of this option to ensure that the client times out before the server.

The setting is in seconds. The maximum setting is 10800 seconds.


Pathfinder Pro and WebBridge LR do not use the TIMEOUT_WEBBRIDGE_EDIT web option. To change the timeout period in those products, contact Innovative.

WebBridge and WebBridge LR Options

These options are for the WebBridge and WebBridge LR products.


This option specifies the port to which WebPAC redirects WebBridge and WebBridge LR resolution server requests. Resolution server requests are forwarded from the WebPAC to the resolution server based on the setting of this option.

Resolution Server Port

This option does not change the port that the resolution server uses. Contact Innovative before changing this Web option.

For example:


In this example, a request to http://[Innovative Server]/resserv will be forwarded to http://[Innovative Server]:4551/resserv.

If this option is not set the WebPAC redirects resolution server requests to port 4550.

WebBridge and Pathfinder Pro Options

These options are for the WebBridge and Pathfinder Pro products.


This option defines the graphic image to use for the Close Frame button. For example:



This option defines the graphic image to use for the Other Resources button. For example:



This option defines the graphic image to use for the Return to Resource List button. For example:



This option controls how cover art in WebBridge and Pathfinder Pro and book jackets in WebBridge are sourced in the browse and bibliographic record display of WebPAC Pro.

If this option is "true," the images are displayed by using the WebBridge Displaying Book Jackets and Cover Art in WebPAC or the Pathfinder Pro Displaying Cover Art in WebPAC feature. If this option is "false," the images are displayed by using the BIBIMAGE web option.

For example:


The effect of setting this option to "true" is to cause the system to be processing intensive and has the potential to make some systems run slowly. Innovative recommends you test your system performance by setting the ENH_IMAGE Web option in your staging WebPAC before using it in your live WebPAC. To minimize peformance issues, you should not use this option in conjunction with the BROWSE50 Web option.


This option defines the display properties for the Close Frame link. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

ICON_BUT_CLOSEFRAME=<strong>Close Frame</strong>

For a graphic link example:

ICON_BUT_CLOSEFRAME=<img src="/screens/close_frame.gif" alt="Close Frame" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the value of the BUT_CLOSEFRAME Web option. If neither option is defined, the system uses following default:


This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the display properties for the Other Resources link. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

ICON_BUT_RESOURCELINK=<strong>Other Resources</strong>

For a graphic link example:

ICON_BUT_RESOURCELINK=<img src="/screens/resourcelink.gif" alt="Other Resources" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the value of the BUT_RESOURCELINK Web option. If neither option is defined, the system uses following default:


This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the display properties for the Return to Resource link. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

ICON_BUT_RET2RESOURCE=<strong>Return to Resource</strong>

For a graphic link example:

ICON_BUT_RET2RESOURCE=<img src="/screens/ret2resource.gif" alt="Return to Resource" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the value of the BUT_RET2RESOURCE Web option. If neither option is defined, the system uses following default:

ICON_BUT_RET2RESOURCE=Return to Resource

This option can vary by scope and language.


In the version of WebBridge intended for consortia, this option defines the graphic image to use for the Submit button when the user resubmits a search after selecting an affiliation.

In the version of Pathfinder Pro intended for consortia, this option defines the graphic image to use for the Submit button when the user resubmits a search after selecting an affiliation.

For example:

ICON_WBCONSORT_SUBMIT=<img src="/screens/submit.gif" alt="Submit" border="0" />


This option controls the location of the Other Resources button on the bibliographic and browse displays. The format is:


Element Description
[bibdisplay] This element controls where the Other Resources link appears in the bibliographic display. This element accepts "location" keywords as a value. The keyword values are:
pretopitemmenuAbove the top navigation buttons
posttopitemmenuBelow the top navigation buttons
prebottomitemmenuAbove the bottom navigation buttons
postbottomitemmenuBelow the bottom navigation buttons
bibtopAbove the record data
bibbottomBelow the record data
bibresourcetopTop of the resource table
bibresourcebottomBottom of the resource table

[indexbrowse] This element controls where the Other Resources link appears in the index browse display. This element accepts "location" keywords as a value. The keyword values are:
pretopbrowsemenuAbove the top navigation buttons
posttopbrowsemenuBelow the top navigation buttons
prebottombrowsemenuAbove the bottom navigation buttons
postbottombrowsemenuBelow the bottom navigation buttons
browseresourcetopTop of the resource table
browseresourcebottomBottom of the resource table

[recordbrowse] This element controls where the Other Resources link appears in the record browse display. This element accepts "location" keywords as a value. The keyword values are:
pretopexactmenuAbove the top navigation buttons
posttopexactmenuBelow the top navigation buttons
prebottomexactmenuAbove the bottom navigation buttons
postbottomexactmenuAfter the bottom navigation buttons
browseresourcetopTop of the resource table
browseresourcebottomBottom of the resource table

[suppressrectypes] This element defines a list of record displays on which to suppress the Other Resources link. Enter record types in a comma-delmited list. Valid values are:
CodeRecord Type

For example:

[suppressindexes] This element defines a list of index browse displays on which to suppress the Other Resources link. Enter multiple indexes in a comma-delimited list. Valid values are:
  a  Author
  t  Title
  q  Combined Author/Title (must be used with a)
  d  Subject
  w  Keyword
  c  Call Number
  g  Government Document Number
  i  ISSN
  o  OCLC Number
  p  Course Reserves (Professor/TA Index)
  r  Course Reserves (Course Name Index)

For example:


For example:


In this example, the Other Resources button is suppressed on course record displays as well as on professor and course browse displays.

If this option is not defined, the Other Resources button will not display in the WebPAC.

The q option must be used with the a option:


You cannot suppress Combined Author/Title without suppressing Author.

This option can vary by scope.


In the version of WebBridge intended for consortia, this option defines a message and hyperlink for an affiliation.

In the version of Pathfinder Pro intended for consortia, this option defines a message and hyperlink for an affiliation.

When the search is scoped and therefore associated with an affiliation, "%a" is replaced with a hyperlinked affiliation name. Clicking the hyperlinked name submits the form. (The "%s" has no functionality when the search is scoped.)

When the search is not scoped and therefore unassociated with an affiliation, "%a" is replaced with a drop-down menu of affiliation names. The "%s" element inserts the submit icon defined in the ICON_WBCONSORT_SUBMIT Web option.

For example:

WBCONSORT=Get Related Resources for <%a%s><SUBMIT>


In WebBridge, this option specifies the header text in the WebPAC resource panel.

In Pathfinder Pro, this option specifies the header text in the WebPAC resource panel.

The format of this option is:

WBHEADERTEXT=[header information]

This option accepts a #HEADER# placeholder for inserting text to customize the information display. For example:

WBHEADERTEXT=More information about #HEADER#

In this example, the popup panel shows the header: "More information about [title of bibliographic record]."

This option can vary by language.