Feeds Options

This page describes the Web option for the Feeds options group. Review this option to determine any necessary setup that your organization might need to perform.


In Sierra 4.1 and later, the FEEDS_PORT web option is deprecated. WebPAC ignores this option if it is set in your Sierra system.

This option specifies the port to use for your feed. For example:


If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:



This option specifies the minimum time for the WebPAC to cache an RSS feed that does not have a stated Time-To-Live (TTL) or that has a TTL value less than the value of this option. For example:


This setting specifies that the WebPAC caches RSS feeds that do not have a specified TTL for a minimum of 20 minutes. If an RSS feed has a TTL less than 20 minutes, the WebPAC uses a 20 minute TTL.

Zero Value

This setting is not valid:


Do not use a zero value in the RSS_MIN_TTL Web option or the system may generate errors.

If this option is not defined, the WebPAC uses a default setting of 10 minutes.