eBooks Options

Material Type Code

The Material Type code value for netLibrary items (usually 'z') is set with the Set netLibrary code Database Maintenance option.

This page describes the Web options for the eBooks options group. If your organization has been set up for the netLibrary feature, the following options will appear in your Web options list. Review these options to determine any necessary setup that your organization might need to perform.


This option controls whether a Limit to netLibrary eBooks checkbox appears on browse screens. When set to a "TRUE" value ('1', the characters 'T', 't', 'Y', or 'y', or any word beginning with one of these characters), the system offers this checkbox. When set to a "FALSE" value ('0', the characters 'F', 'f', 'N', or 'n', or any word beginning with one of these characters) or when this option does not appear in the Web Options file, this checkbox is suppressed.

A Search only netLibrary eBooks checkbox can be added to any Search Help HTML page by including the <!--{netli_ask}--> token on the page. Also, searches can automatically be limited to netLibrary titles by including the <!--{netli_ask}--> token on the Search Help page.


This option specifies the text to display for each of the actions available while viewing a bibliographic record that is linked to a netLibrary eBook title (via its 856 field).

Web Access Management

This option is not compatible with Web Access Management. Do not use this option if your library uses Web Access Management.

The option value is:


[previewlinktext] The text for the option to preview the eBook for a limited time
[checkoutlinktext] The text for the option to check out the eBook

For example:

NETLI_LINK=|Go to netLibrary Preview|Check this book out of netLibrary


The value of this option must begin with the '|' character.


This option specifies the text or URL that displays above the list of netLibrary eBook links (the text of these links is specified with the NETLI_LINK option). If this option does not appear in the Web Options file, the text defined with the LINK856TEXT option is used.

An image can be specified by including it in a URL as shown below:

NETLI856TEXT=<img src="/screens/ebooklogo.gif">

This option can vary by language.