Advanced Searching Options

If your organization has the Advanced Search feature, you can use the following options.


This option specifies which search help page the Modify Search link points to. This option accepts the same settings as the AVS_TAG option to determine the pointer. For example:


In this example, the setting points the Modify Search link to the srchhelp_X.html page.


This option specifies the index tag(s) for which the WebPAC provides special Advanced Search features. There must be a Search Help page in the /screens directory for each tag included in this list. Typically, these pages are for the X, Y, and Z indexes, that is, srchhelp_X.html, srchhelp_Y.html, and srchhelp_Z.html. For example:


If your organization has the Advanced Search feature, Innovative sets this option to an appropriate value and tells you which tags apply to this feature. If this option is not defined or has a blank value, no Advanced Searching is available.



This option is not applicable in Sierra.


This option defines the graphic image to use for the button allowing users to edit a previously entered Advanced Search string and submit a new search. For example:



This option defines the graphic image to use in Advanced Search to display a browse list of items indexed near the user's search target. For example:



This option defines the display properties for the sort by date link that displays in RightResult search results. Clicking this link sorts RightResult search results by date. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:


For a graphic link example:

ICON_AWS_BYDATE_LINK=<img src="/screens/aws_bydate_link.gif" alt="Sort by date" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the display properties for the sort by relevance link that displays in RightResult search results. Clicking this link sorts RightResult search results by relevance. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:


For a graphic link example:

ICON_AWS_BYRELEVANCE_LINK=<img src="/screens/aws_byrelevance_link.gif" alt="Sort by relevance" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the display properties for the sort by title link that displays in RightResult search results. Clicking this link sorts RightResult search results by title. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:


For a graphic link example:

ICON_AWS_BYTITLE_LINK=<img src="/screens/aws_bytitle_link.gif" alt="Sort by title" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the display properties for the link for users to modify a prior search string. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

ICON_BUT_MODIFY=<strong>Modify Search</strong>

For a graphic link example:

ICON_BUT_MODIFY=<img src="/screens/modify.gif" alt="Modify" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the value of the BUT_MODIFY option. If neither option is defined, the system uses the following default:


This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the display properties for the Show Similar Items link. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

ICON_BUT_SHOWSIM=<strong>Show Similar Items</strong>

For a graphic link example:

ICON_BUT_SHOWSIM=<img src="/screens/showsim.gif" alt="Show Similar" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the value of the BUT_SHOWSIM option. If neither option is defined, the system uses the following default:

ICON_BUT_SHOWSIM=Similar Records

This option can vary by scope and language.


With RightResult technology, Advanced Searches in WebPAC Pro display search results using a relevance grouping to indicate how closely each item in the results list matches the search target. The icons associated with each group are set with the ICON_REL_GROUP_# options, which specify the appearance of each relevance grouping. The values of these option are defined in HTML, setting the text, an image, or both to use as the link. If an image is defined it can be either as a relative or an absolute URL. If it is relative, it should be relative to the working directory currently defined for the WebPAC.

For example:

ICON_REL_GROUP_1=Most relevant titles <img src="/screens/relevance5.gif" alt="Most relevant"> 
ICON_REL_GROUP_2=Highly relevant titles <img src="/screens/relevance4.gif" alt="Highly relevant"> 
ICON_REL_GROUP_3=Moderately relevant titles <img src="/screens/relevance3.gif" alt="Moderately relevant"> 
ICON_REL_GROUP_4=Possibly relevant titles <img src="/screens/relevance2.gif" alt="Possibly relevant"> 


It is possible to bypass RightResult by directly targeting a specific Advanced Search index, such as the author or title (e.g., a:faulkner). See the discussion of Advanced Search Index Tags for more information.

This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the location and text of the Related Searches message in the WebPAC. The option format is:


Element Description
[location] The location of the text message defined in this option.

searchtool — places the text in the search tool.
restable — places the text in the resource table.
Related Searches Link

You can control the placement of the related searches link with the <!--{relsearch}--> token on the bib_display.html form. Set the [location] element to searchtool to enable this behavior.

[text] The text displayed for the "related searches" message. This element accepts HTML. This element is optional.
[formatting] Defines the formatting for the results links in the "related searches" message. This element is optional. If not defined, the WebPAC does not apply special formatting to the links. If used, this field must include a %s code that the actual link replaces. For example:

<SPAN CLASS="relsearchLink">%s</SPAN>

In this example, the "relsearchLink" style applies to the results link.

For example:

RELSEARCH=searchtool|<SPAN CLASS="relsearchText">Related Searches</SPAN>|<SPAN CLASS="relsearchLink">%s</SPAN>

This setting puts the Related Searches text and link in the search tool with appropriate styles applied to the text and link.

This option can vary by language.


This option specifies the subject subfields to use in the Show Similar Items feature of Advanced Searching. The format is:


For example:


This setting instructs WebPAC to use the a, b, and c subfields for Show Similar Items.