Time to Reshelve Table

To view circulation parameters, you must be assigned permission 373 (View Circulation Parameters). To edit the Time to Reshelve table, you must be assigned permission 381 (Edit Time to Reshelve). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

The Time to Reshelve table contains alternate STATUS values to display in the WebPAC for newly created and recently checked-in items. It also specifies the amount of time the alternate status message should display. For example, you can use the Time to Reshelve table to display a status of "New Arrival" for 72 hours after item creation and a status of "Recently Returned" for 12 hours after checkin. This gives library staff time to shelve the items and prevents patrons from looking for items that might not yet be on the shelf.

You can access the Time to Reshelve table via the following menu path:

Admin | Parameters | Circulation | Time to Reshelve

For information on modifying this table, see Maintaining System Parameter Tables and Maintaining Circulation Parameters.

For more information, see Functionality Information and Data Elements.

Functionality Information

When viewing and modifying the Time to Reshelve table, note the following:

Maximum Number of Entries
The Time to Reshelve table can contain a maximum of 400 entries.
Table Read Top to Bottom
The system reads the Time to Reshelve table from top to bottom. General entries (such as those that contain wildcards) should appear lower in the table than more specific entries. If you add two entries for the same location, one for newly created items and one for recently checked-in items, the entry for recently checked-in items should be above the entry for newly created items. Otherwise, the system displays the message for newly created items for the full amount of time specified, even if the item is checked out and back in during that time.
Applies to Available Items Only
The system displays status messages from the Time to Reshelve table only for items with a STATUS of '-' (AVAILABLE), not to checked-out items or items with other STATUS values.
Does Not Apply to Automatically Cleared Item Statuses
If the Automated Clearing of In Transit Status feature is enabled, the system does not display an alternate STATUS message for items whose in-transit status is automatically cleared.
Requires Updating of LCHKIN Field
The system uses the value of the LCHKIN field in the item record to determine when the item was last checked in. Because the system updates the LCHKIN field only if the Check-in: Store check-in time in item record circulation option is set to "YES", you must enable that option before the system can use the Time to Reshelve table.

Data Elements

Entries in the Time to Reshelve table contain the following data elements:

Element Description
Location The location to which the entry applies, from the LOCATION field in the item record. Possible values include a location from the Branches table or a wildcard code (either ????? or *) to represent all locations. Note that wildcard truncation of location codes is not supported (for example, "mn*" is not a valid code).
HHH:MM The length of time, in hours and minutes, to display the message.

Entries for recently checked-in items must be in the form hh:mm, hhh:mm, or hhhh:m, where 'h' represents hours and 'm' represents minutes. The system obtains the checkin time from the LCHKIN field in the item record. For example, to display an alternate status message for 12 hours after checkin, enter 12:00.

Entries for newly created items must be in the form nhh:mm, nhhh:mm, or nhhhh:m, where 'n' specifies new items, 'h' represents hours, and 'm' represents minutes. The system obtains the creation date from the CREATED field in the item record. Note that for newly created items, the system calculates the number of hours to display the message from 4:00 a.m. of the day the item was created. For example, to display an alternate status message for three days after item creation, enter n72:00.
Message A message (up to 80 characters) to display for available items that match the criteria specified in the Location and HHH:MM elements.