Web Links Table

To add copies for selection list titles, you must be assigned permission 660 (Edit Web Links). If you are assigned permission 651 (View System Parameters) but not 660, you can view this file but cannot edit it. See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.


Sierra Access Plus-WebBridge replaces Web links with similar but more powerful functionality. If your organization has acquired Sierra Access Plus-WebBridge, the Web links menu option is not available.

The Web Links table stores parameters which control the display of hyperlinks in the review box of an order record in the Selection Lists function. Hyperlinks only appear for records with a valid ISBN.

You can access the Web Links table via the following menu path:

Admin | Parameters | Acquisitions | Web Links

For information on modifying this table, see Maintaining System Parameter Tables.

Functionality Information

Maximum Entries
There can be a maximum of 50 entries in the Web Links table. However, Web Links displays only the first hyperlink. To change the hyperlink displayed in the Selection Lists function, move the desired hyperlink to the first position in the table. Your library can display more than one link by acquiring WebBridge.

Data Elements

When you choose this parameter option, Sierra initially displays a list of existing links. When you select an existing link or choose to create a new one, Sierra displays the Web Links table. Entries in this table contain the following data elements:

Element Description
Display Name The name that appears in the review box in the Selection Lists function.

The URL for the link you want to appear. Use <ISBN> as a placeholder or token for the bibliographic record's ISBN. When you view linked information, Sierra substitutes the record's first i-tagged field for the ISBN token.

Display Choose y or n to display or suppress the URL.
Type A code which controls the label that precedes the display name. The valid codes are:
  • r (Review)
  • s (Search)
  • i (Image)
  • a (Annotation)
If you include image-type links in Web links, the system checks and displays the first URL. In the case where the first image URL does not return an image, Sierra checks subsequent image URLs. Only one image is displayed in the Selection Lists function.