Electronic Holdings Administration

To change Electronic Holdings Administration settings, you must be assigned permission 226 (Administer Electronic Holdings). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

When you load coverage information, you can prompt the system to update your catalog. When you choose the Catalog Update option in the Coverage Load, the system creates "soft links" from holdings records to resource records.

When you use Coverage Load in ERM, you also can set up the system to create new bibliographic and holdings records that are indicated by the data but which do not exist when the system is loading electronic holdings data.

To set up the system to create new records, do the following:

  1. Select Admin | Parameters | ERM | Electronic Holdings Administration. Sierra displays the Electronic Holdings Administration dialog box.
  2. To create holdings records, select the Create holdings record if no match upon load box, and select a template from the Holdings record template list.
  3. To create bibliographic records, select the Create bib record if no match upon load box, and select a template from the Bib record template list.
  4. Click OK when you are finished.
See also:
Creating and Maintaining Records in ERM
Linking Records in ERM