Record Types Created in ERM

You can create the following record types in ERM:

Record Type Create in... To create this record type, see:
Contact Contact Managing Contact Information for Resources
Resource Catalog Managing Resource Providers
License Catalog Managing Licenses
Coverage Load
Creating Holdings Records in ERM
Electronic Holdings Administration
Bibliographic Coverage Load Electronic Holdings Administration
Item Catalog Creating Item Records in ERM
Order Catalog Creating Order Records

To create related resource, holdings, and order records, see:

Soft Linking Records in ERM
Creating Related Resources from the Bibliographic Record Display
Creating Related Holdings Records from the Resource Record Display
Creating Related Order Records from the Resource Record Display

When you create or maintain records in ERM, you can use multi-value variable-length fields, which can contain and display more than one value. For each multi-value variable-length field, you can maintain a list of standard values. See Maintaining Multi-value Variable-length Field Values for more information.

See also:
Removing a Related Order or Holdings Record