Creating Related Resources from the Bibliographic Record Display

You can soft link a resource record to a holdings record from the bibliographic record display by following these steps:

  1. Choose Catalog ERM from the Function list.
  2. Retrieve a bibliographic record.
  3. In the Summary tab, choose Holdings from the View drop-down list.
  4. Select a holdings record.
  5. Choose the Add Related Resource button. The Add Related Resource dialog displays.
  6. Retrieve a resource record.

    The record displays in the Add Related Resource dialog.
  7. Choose the Use Resource Record button.

    The resource record is soft linked to the selected holdings record. Because the holdings record is linked to the bibliographic record, the resource and bibliographic record are "related" through the holdings record.

To see all the resources "related" to a bibliographic record, choose Related Resources from the View drop-down menu in the Summary tab of the bibliographic record display.

See also:
Soft Linking Records in ERM
Transferring Attached Records
Linking Items to Additional Bibliographic Records