Transferring Attached Records

To transfer attached records or holds, you must be assigned permission 10 (Transfer attached records).

To transfer records outside your accounting unit, you must be assigned permission 270 (Transfer Attached Across Accounting Unit).

To delete a bibliographic record, you must be assigned permissions 104 (Update bibliographic records) and 105 (Delete cataloged bib records) or 106 (Delete uncataloged bib records), depending whether the record to be deleted contains a CDATE. See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

You can transfer attached item records, holdings/checkin records, order records, and holds from one bibliographic record to another. Sierra also offers the option to delete the source bibliographic record if all of its attached records are transferred to the destination bibliographic record. See Transferring Records from One Bibliographic Record to Another.

You also can transfer attached license records from one resource record to another. See Transferring Records from One Resource Record to Another.

When you transfer item records that have item-level holds, Sierra transfers the holds along with their item records.You can also transfer the hold queue for an item to another item attached to the same bibliographic record or to a linked bibliographic or volume record. See Transferring Holds from One Queue to Another for more information.

When you transfer item records from a bibliographic record that has title-level holds, Sierra offers you the option to transfer some or all of the title-level holds.

You can transfer title-level holds from a bibliographic record with no items attached. See Transferring Title-level Holds from a Bibliographic Record with No Items Attached.

The position of a hold within a hold queue is determined by the date and time that the hold was placed (unless the queue has been resequenced). See Managing Holds for more information about holds.

Maximum Record Size and Number of Links

Note that Sierra follows established limits for maximum record size and maximum number of links when you transfer attached records. The maximum record size is 100,000 bytes (characters) for most hardware platforms. If you exceed this number by transferring attached records, Sierra does not transfer the records and prompts:

Cannot transfer all selected records: Transfer would cause this record to exceed the maximum size for bibliographic records by <#> of bytes.

The maximum number of item record links is 5000. If you exceed this number by transferring records, Sierra does not transfer the records and prompts:

Target record would exceed the maximum number of <record type> links allowed by <#> of links.

See Record and Field Limits for more information on maximum record sizes.

Transferring Records from One Bibliographic Record to Another

To transfer attached records and holds from one bibliographic record to another:

  1. Retrieve the bibliographic record that is attached to the records you want to transfer.
  2. In the Summary tab, choose the records you want to transfer by selecting their check boxes.
  3. Choose All Record Types to select all the attached records.

  4. Choose Edit | Transfer attached | Find Bib. The Select destination bib window opens.
  5. In the Select destination bib window, retrieve the destination bibliographic record.
  6. In the Summary tab of the destination bib, choose Use Bib.

If the source bibliographic record has no title-level holds, Sierra asks if you want to transfer the attached records and retain or delete the source bib. Select the appropriate radio button and choose OK.

If the source bibliographic record has title-level holds, the Transfer Attached Records dialog box appears.

  1. If you transfer all attached records, you can delete the source bib. To delete or retain the source bib, choose the appropriate radio button.
  2. If you are transferring selected holds, select the check boxes of the title-level holds to be transferred.
  3. Choose OK.

Transferring Records from One Resource Record to Another

  1. Retrieve the resource record that is attached to the records you want to transfer.
  2. In the Summary tab, choose License from the View drop-down list.
  3. Choose the records you want to transfer by selecting their check boxes.
  4. Choose Edit | Transfer attached.
  5. In the Select destination resource record window, retrieve the destination resource record.
  6. In the Summary tab of the destination resource record, choose Use Resource.
  7. If you transfer all attached records, you can delete the source resource. To delete or retain the source resource, choose the appropriate radio button.
  8. Choose OK.

Transferring Title-level Holds from a Bibliographic Record with No Items Attached

To transfer title-level holds from a bibliographic record with no items attached:

  1. Retrieve the bibliographic record with the holds you want to transfer.
  2. Choose Edit | Transfer attached. The Select destination bib window opens.
  3. In the Select destination bib window, retrieve the destination bibliographic record.
  4. In the Summary tab of the destination bibliographic record, choose Use Bib. The Transfer Attached Records window opens.
  5. Select an option button to RETAIN or DELETE the source bibliographic record.
  6. Select (check) the holds to transfer, and then choose OK.