Transferring Holds from One Queue to Another

To choose the Search/Holds function, you must be assigned permission 101 (View bibliographic records). To transfer holds, you must be assigned permission 45 (Holds management). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

Automated Transfer of Paged Items

If your library has the Automated Transfer of Paged Items feature enabled, the system automatically transfers pages to the next available attached item when the time specified in the Pageslips: Number of hours before page can be transferred circulation options passes. The system updates the Automatic Transfer of Paged Items log with information about each hold that it transfers.

This feature is available only to libraries that have acquired Consortium Management Extensions. To have this feature enabled at your library, contact Innovative.

Sierra enables you to transfer the hold queue for an item to another item attached to the same bibliographic record, or to a linked bibliographic or volume record if Title Priority Paging is enabled. Note that you cannot transfer an item's hold queue if that item has a hold that is ready for pickup.

To transfer holds from one queue to another:

  1. Choose one of the following options from the Function list:
    • Binding
    • Catalog
    • Check In Bound
    • Claim/Cancel Orders
    • Claiming
    • Orders
    • Receive
    • Search/Holds
    • Serials Checkin
    • To Bindery
  2. Retrieve the bibliographic record.
  3. Choose the Item-Level Holds tab or the Summary tab.
  4. (Optional) If you are using the Summary tab, you can limit the display to those items that belong to the scope assigned to your login. To do so, choose the Current Scope option under the All drop-down list. This option is present only if your library uses scoping. If your library uses scoping but Sierra does not display the Current Scope option, contact Innovative.
  5. (Summary tab only) Choose the Holds option in the View drop-down list. The Holds view displays the items attached to the bibliographic record.

If your library has acquired Materials Booking, the Holds option displays as Holds/Bookings, and the display of items attached to the bibliographic record indicates the number of holds and bookings on each item in the Hold Count and Booking Count columns. If your library uses Materials Booking and this option still appears as Holds, contact Innovative to enable this view.

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Summary tab: Select the item from which you want to transfer holds.
    • Item-Level Holds tab: Select the holds you want to transfer.
  2. Choose the Transfer Holds button or the Transfer holds for this item option from the right-mouse menu. Sierra prompts:

Transfer 2 Holds From i1328268 To

  1. In the drop-down list, choose the item to which you want to transfer the item-level hold queue.

If Title Priority Paging is enabled, you can also choose the linked bib or volume record. Holds transferred from an item to the linked bib or volume are automatically paged.

INN-Reach Item Holds

INN-Reach item holds can only be transferred from one item to another item from the same agency, not to a bibliographic or volume record. If you attempt to transfer the hold to an item that does not belong to your agency, Sierra displays the following message:

Sorry, hold can't be transferred to an item from a different agency.

  1. Click OK. The system:
    • Determines the status of the original item:
      • If the original item has a hold status that is ready for pickup, the system cannot transfer the hold queue and displays a message to that effect.
      • If the original item has a status other than 'm' (MISSING), the system asks if you want to change the item's status to 'm'.
    • Determines the whether the item to which you want to transfer the hold queue is currently checked out. If the new item is not checked out and does not belong to a location associated with your login, the system asks if you want to queue a paging slip for the item.
See also:
Hold Filling Sequence
Using Circulation Notices