Transferring Paged Items

To choose Transfer Paged Items from the Function list, you must be assigned permission 401 (Transfer Paged Items). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

The Pageslips: Number of hours before page can be transferred circulation option establishes the minimum amount of time that a page can be unsatisfied before it is eligible to be transferred to another item. The maximum value is 168 hours (that is, one week). If your library sets this option to 0, you cannot transfer unsatisfied pages.

If your library has enabled the ability to transfer unsatisfied pages, you can transfer unfulfilled holds to other available items. The system does not transfer pages that are more than one week old, so you should check for transferrable pages at least once a week.


The Transfer Paged Items function applies only to item-level holds. To page for an item to satisfy a title-level hold, see Title Priority Paging.

To transfer paged items:

  1. Choose Transfer Paged Items from the Function list. Sierra displays the Transfer Paged Items screen. This screen has the following components:
    • The Pickup Location pane
    • The Items paged longer than pane (displays the value of the Pageslips: Number of hours before page can be transferred circulation option)
    • The Transfer Paged Items table
  2. In the Pickup Location pane, choose the pickup location(s) for which you want to view pages. You can view pages for the pickup locations for the Locations Served assigned to your login, for all locations, or for a single branch location. By default, Sierra selects the Locations Served assigned to your login.
  3. Choose View Paged Items. Sierra displays the pages that meet all of the following criteria:
    • the pickup location belongs to one of the location(s) you selected in the Pickup Location pane
    • the page is older than the number of hours specified by the Pageslips: Number of hours before page can be transferred circulation option
    • the page is less than one week old
    For information on the data Sierra displays about each page, see the Transfer Paged Items table.
  4. Select the page that you want to transfer.
    • To view the currently paged item, choose the View Current Item option from the right mouse popup menu.
    • To view the item to which a page can be transferred, choose the View Transfer To Item option from the right mouse popup menu.
    • To transfer a page or a selection of pages, choose the Transfer button or, from the right mouse popup menu, the Transfer Item option.
    You can transfer pages of items attached to bibliographic records, attached to volume records, and/or containing volume information in the item record's VOLUME field, to any other item attached to the same bibliographic record.

    Sierra attempts to transfer the selected page(s). For each page successfully transferred, Sierra changes the page's status to "Transferred" and queues an item paging slip.
  5. To clear the current table, choose Clear.
Automated Transfer of Paged Items

If your library has acquired the Consortium Management Extensions product, Innovative can modify your system to automatically transfer unsatisfied pages on the night that they become eligible for transfer. The system updates the Automated Transfer of Paged Items log with information about each hold that it transfers. The system does not transfer pages to or from items that have volume numbers in their item records.

To have the Automated Transfer of Paged Items feature enabled at your library, contact Innovative.