Transfer Paged Items Table Display

The Transfer Paged Items table displays the details of pages available for transfer.

The Transfer Paged Items table contains the following elements:

The title of the paged item.
Call #
The call number of the paged item.
Current Item
The item location, the record number, and the number of items attached to the bibliographic record.
Time Paged
The number of hours that have passed since the item paging slip for the item listed in the Current Item field was printed.
Transfer To
The location and record number of the item to which you can transfer the page. If there are no other items that can be paged, this field is blank.
Status of the page. Possible values include:
"Eligible"The item listed in the Transfer To field can be paged.
"Not Eligible"There are no items to which you can transfer the page.
"Record Not Found"One of the items listed in the Transfer To or Current Item field has been removed from the database.
"Transferred"The page has been transferred to the item listed in the Transfer To field.