Creating Order Records

To create order records, you must be assigned permission 132 (Create order records). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

To create an order record:

  1. Choose Place Orders from the Function drop-down list.
  2. Retrieve or create the bibliographic record to which you want to attach the new record.
  3. In the Summary tab:

    1. Choose Order from the View drop-down list.
    2. Choose Attach New Order.
  4. If prompted, select the new record's parameters and choose OK to continue.

    If the Don't ask these questions when creating new order records option in the Admin | Settings | New Records tab is selected, the order record default settings are used. If that option is not selected, the first time you create an order record during a session, the Options dialog displays.

  5. Follow the steps described in Entering Data into New Records. While entering data in order records you can also:

Entering ISBNs in Order Records

If the bibliographic record to which you are attaching the order record contains more than one ISBN, you can select one of the ISBN fields and insert it into the order record.

  1. When prompted to insert a non-MARC field, or when you choose Insert on the toolbar, select the PO INFO field from the drop-down list.
  2. In the Pick ISBN dialog, select one of the ISBNs from the drop-down list.
  3. Choose OK and the system inserts the ISBN into the order record.

Using Multiselection Groups

During order record creation, you can use Multiselection Groups to efficiently order copies for multiple locations. When you edit location, fund, and copy information, Sierra displays the Edit Data dialog. By choosing the Add Group button, Sierra will either automatically populate the table with the combinations of locations, funds, and number of copies defined for that Multiselection Group; or, depending upon the default settings, prompt you to choose a Multiselection Group. If prompted, select a name from the Select Multiselection Group dialog and choose OK.

Limitations for Preferred Funds and Preferred Locations are not applied to Multiselection Groups during the ordering process.

Value Added Service (VAS) Charges

If the Value Added Service charge feature is enabled, Sierra automatically adds VAS charges to the estimated price whenever an order is created that matches the criteria you have set up in the Value Added table. Sierra will display a dialog showing the List Price, Discount (if applicable), Value Added amount, and New EPRICE. Choose OK to continue with the record creation. Contact Innovative to enable this feature.

Viewing Financial Reports

When you change the financial information for an order record and save the record, Sierra displays a Financial Report which includes:

You can also preview the Financial Report by choosing the View Finances button while editing the record.

See also:
Processing EDIFACT Status Reports
Receiving Orders and Creating Items