Multiselection Groups Table

To edit the Multiselection Groups table, you must be assigned permission 683 (Edit Multi Selection Group). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

The Multiselection Groups feature allows you to create templates for frequently used combinations of location codes, fund codes, and number of copies to order. After creating the multiselection groups using this table, you can then use the Multiselection Groups tab to specify which groups display for each login. Users can access the groups assigned to their login during the ordering process and while creating selection lists.

You can access the Multiselection Groups table via the following menu path:

Admin | Parameters | Acquisitions | Multiselection Groups

For information on modifying this table, see Maintaining System Parameter Tables.

Functionality Information

Multiselection Groups in Web Works Selection Lists
The Multiselection Groups that you create in this table are also accessible in the Web Works Selection Lists product if your library has acquired it. However, the options on the Multiselection Groups tab do not affect which groups display while using this product. Instead, the system displays all defined Multiselection Groups, but prevents you from adding fund/location combinations that are outside of your Preferred Locations and Funds.
Duplicate Entries
Sierra does not prevent you from using the same location and fund combination multiple times within one Multiselection Group. If you unintentionally add the same combination more than once, all copies associated with these entries will be added to the order when you use that group.
Deleting Multiselection Groups
You can delete a location, fund, and copy combination from a Multiselection Group by selecting the entry in the table and choosing Delete. To delete an entire Multiselection Group, you must delete each entry within that group separately.

Data Elements

When you choose New Group to create a new Multiselection Group, Sierra prompts you to enter a name. The name can be up to 39 characters, and can contain alphanumeric characters only. The system does not support special characters such as hyphens (-), ampersands (&), and so on.

Sierra does not check your input for length or special characters, so it is important to follow the guidelines above. Additionally, the system does not permit you to edit the name of the Multiselection Group after it is created.

After entering a name, the system displays the Multiselection Groups table. Entries in this table contain the following data elements:

Element Description
Location The location code that represents the shelving location or branch.
  • The fund code to be charged for the ordered items.
  • Copies The number of copies to associate with the location and fund combination you entered.