Multiselection Groups Settings

In the Multiselection Groups tab, you can create a Preferred Groups list to control which groups are available during the ordering process. You can also specify how to be prompted to select a group when using the Multiselection Group feature to add copies. Note that you will not be able to create a Preferred Groups list if no groups have been created. See Multiselection Groups Table for details on how to create these groups.


In Settings, the changes you make in the Multiselection Groups tab apply to all users of the same login who are in the same accounting unit as you. When they use Multiselection Groups to add copies to orders, it will be based on these setting selections.

Note that the options you choose on this tab do not affect which groups appear while using the Web Works Selection Lists product.

  1. Choose Admin | Settings.
  2. Choose the Multiselection Groups tab.
  3. Add to or remove from your list of Preferred Groups:
  • To add to your list, select the group in the Other Groups list and click the left arrow.
  • To remove selections from your list, select the group in the Preferred Groups list and click the right arrow.

To move multiple groups at the same time, select the templates by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking the templates' names. Then choose the appropriate arrow button.

When you click a Multiselection Group, you will see the combination of locations, funds, and numbers of copies associated with that group in the Preview Multiselection Group table.

  1. From the Default Group drop-down menu, select how the Preferred Groups will be offered when you use the Multiselection Group feature to add copies:
    • Always prompt: You will always be prompted by a dialog to select a Multiselection Group from the Preferred Group list when you add copies to an order.
    • Prompt to select: You will be prompted by a dialog to select a Multiselection Group from the Preferred Group list the first time that you add copies to an order. Afterwards, the Multiselection Group you chose will automatically be used as the default group for the remainder of the session. When starting a new session, you will be prompted again to choose a default group.
    • Name of a Multiselection Group: Choose a Multiselection Group from the drop-down menu. The Multiselection Group you choose will be the default selection, and you will not be prompted by a dialog to select a group when you add copies to an order.
  2. When you are finished specifying your settings, choose OK to save the settings for the current session only. To save your settings for the current and subsequent sessions, choose Save Settings, then choose OK.