Changing Unverified Patron Table for Web Access Management

To update the unverified patron table, you must be assigned permission 697 (Edit the Web Access Management Unverified Patron Table). If you are assigned permission 651 (View System Parameters) but not 697, you can view this file but cannot edit it. See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

The Unverified Patron table identifies patrons coming from known or trusted IP addresses who do not have to authenticate to access a database (as defined in the Forward table and the Limit Network Access table). These IP addresses may be for in-library or on-campus computers. Use the Unverified Patron table to set up and maintain entries of known and trusted IP addresses and the associated alternate IP address to use for Multiple IP Support with Web Access Management.

For each entry you add in the Unverified Patron table, you must include:

IP Address Used

This entry is the alternate IP address to be sent to the vendor.

IP Pattern

The incoming, trusted IP address. You can enter IP addresses as single entries, "wildcarded" entries, or in a range with part of the IP string substituted ("globbed"). Unlike the Limit Network Access table, the Unverified Patron table requires decimal places and a range for each decimal place in the IP address (e.g., 123.6.*.*, 123.20.[0-2][05].*). You can have multiple IP patterns for the same IP address.

Do not enter the main system IP address or any of the alternate IP addresses listed in the "IP Address" prompt.

Use the following toolbar options used to edit the Unverified Patron table.


Select this option to add a new entry to the end of the Unverified Patron table. The system will prompt you to key each data element for the new entry (see the description of the data elements above).


To save your changes to the Unverified Patron table, choose Save. If you make changes to the Unverified Patron table and do not save those changes, the system prompts you to save before you exit the Unverified Patron table.


To delete an entry, select the entry and choose Delete. The deletion is not final until you save your changes.


To add a new entry that is similar to one that already exists in the table, you can copy the existing entry and then modify the appropriate data elements. The new entry is added to the end of the table.


To insert a new entry at the current selection point, choose Insert. On the Insert dialog, answer the prompts as needed.

Choose OK once you are done or choose Cancel to cancel the changes. Choose Print to print the entry you are adding.


To edit the elements of an existing resource entry, select the entry and choose Edit.

Modify your entry as needed. Choose OK once you are done or choose Cancel to cancel the changes. Choose Print to print the entry you are editing.


To reorganize the entries, select the entry that you want to move and choose Move. The system then asks:

Move entries to row:

Enter the row number and choose OK. The entry will be inserted at the selected point, and all succeeding entries will be shifted down one position.


To print the Unverified Patron table, choose Print. Select the printer to use, then choose OK.


Choose Close to close the Unverified Patron table.

After editing the Unverified Patron table, you must restart the Web server (webpac) and Proxy server (proxy) processes to effect your changes (see Restart a Terminal for information on restarting a process).

Note that if your organization is running multiple Web servers (e.g., for multiple languages), you must restart all Web server processes with the Restart MULTIPLE Terminals option.