Loading Coverage Data

To load coverage data, you must assigned one of the following permissions:

  • 491 (Catalog Update)
  • 554 (Edit Coverage Conversion Rules)
  • 556 (Coverage Load)
  • 557 (Coverage View)

See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.


The Coverage Load function is available if your library has acquired one of the following combinations of products:

  • ERM

    The Coverage Load function includes the Load Catalog and Load Coverage options.
  • WebBridge

    The Coverage Load function includes the Load Coverage option.

The size limits for data fields loaded through Coverage Load is listed here. The size limits apply to both catalog and coverage updates. For languages that can be represented by Western Latin character sets (such as English, French, or Malay), the byte limit approximates the limit on the number of characters you can use. For languages represented by other character sets (such as Chinese or Korean), the limit on the number of characters may be substantially less than the byte limit.


Usernames that run coverage load in Sierra must be 10 characters or less.

In Coverage Load, you use files containing coverage data to enter or update data in one or more of the following:

Although the function is designed to allow you to use the Load Coverage option (to create and update entries in the coverage table) and the Load Catalog option (to create and update records) independently, Innovative recommends that, if both options are available on your system, you update records and the coverage table simultaneously. Simultaneously updating record fields and the coverage table:


INN-Reach sites on Local Servers must always update records and the coverage table simultaneously. If your library is an INN-Reach local site, check both Load Catalog and Load Coverage.

Updating records and the coverage table simultaneously at INN-Reach local sites ensures that the Central Server's holdings records are properly updated.

Load Coverage Option


The Load Coverage option in Coverage Load function is available if your library has acquired one of the following products:

  • ERM
  • WebBridge

The Load Coverage option allows you to:

When using the Load Coverage option, you can:

Load Catalog Option


The Load Catalog option is available if your library has acquired ERM.

If your library has acquired WebBridge, but not ERM, the Load Catalog option in Coverage Load is not available.

The Load Catalog option allows you to:

When using the Load Catalog option:


The matchpoints specified in drop-down menus for the Load Coverage option do not apply to the Load Catalog option. See Alternate Lookups for information on customizable matching in the Catalog option.

Files Used in Coverage Load

Files containing coverage data can be one of the following formats:

Files from resource providers usually contain both new data and updates. You can simultaneously create and update records and coverage data by loading data from a file that contains both new data and updates.

Creating and Updating Records in the Catalog

  1. Choose Administration - Coverage Load from the Function list.
  2. Check Load Catalog.

    For more information about the Load Catalog option, see Load Catalog Option.

    You cannot set the matchpoints when creating records from a file. Your library can choose to enable an alternate matchpoint.

  3. Choose Range or Review from the drop-down list.

    Range updates all records that fall within the displayed range of record numbers.

    Review updates all records that are listed in the specified review file.
  4. If you are using a review file, specify the file in the text box next to the Review drop-down list.
  5. Innovative recommends that you follow the procedure for creating and updating the coverage table entries before choosing to process the file. Your library's catalog is not updated until you choose to process the file.

Creating and Updating Entries in the Coverage Table


You can protect fields in the coverage table from being overwritten when you update the entries in the coverage table. See Protecting Fields in Coverage Data for more information.

  1. Choose Administration - Coverage Load from the Function list.
  2. Check Load Coverage.
  3. To create active resources from the data in the file, check Mark loaded records 'Active'.

    Active resources display in WebBridge, WebPAC, and in the holdings record display.

    Inactive resources are suppressed in WebBridge, WebPAC, and in the holdings record display.
  4. In each Match on drop-down menu, choose either:
    • a matchpoint
    • None

      Choosing matchpoints allows existing resources to be updated and new resources to be created from the same file. If the file does not contain updates to existing resources, matchpoints are not needed, and you choose None.
  5. Innovative recommends that you follow the procedure for creating and updating the records in the catalog before choosing to process the file. Your library's coverage table is not updated until you choose to process the file.

Processing the File

  1. Enter the full path and name of a holdings update file (e.g., C:\serials\ejournals\lexisupdate929.txt or C:\serials\ejournals\lexisupdate500.xml) or use the Select File button to search for the file.

    The file must reside on the computer or on a network accessible from the computer.
    TXT and CSV Files

    If you are loading a vertical-bar delimited or tab delimited text file or vendor spreadsheet, check the Coverage Spreadsheet Conversion Rules to ensure that the data is properly mapped for input in the system. See Editing the Coverage Spreadsheet Conversion Rules for more information.

  2. If the input file format is TXT or CSV, the system prompts you to preprocess the file.

    Click Continue to preprocess the file. The rules in the Coverage Spreadsheet Conversion Rules will be applied to the file.
  3. In the Vendor and Database Info dialog, enter a Vendor ID in the text box. The Database ID may be left blank. Choose OK.

    If the file contains PROVIDER elements, the dialog does not appear. The Vendor IDs in the file's PROVIDER elements are used.
  4. The Limit to Provider(s) button opens a drop-down menu. The Shift and Ctrl keys allow multiple selections from the drop-down menu. In the drop-down menu, choose either:
    • one or more providers

      Choosing providers processes data in the file from the selected resource providers only.
    • All

      Choosing All processes data in the file from all resource providers.
  5. Choose Submit to update your library's catalog and/or coverage table with data in the file.

    A results screen appears after processing. If records failed to update, the reason is displayed. The results table can be sorted on any column.

    You may find it useful to group the records that failed to update. Do this by sorting the table by Status.