Matching Existing Coverage Data During Coverage Load

If data in the coverage table match to data in a file during Coverage Load, the coverage table is updated with information from the spreadsheet or file. The system uses matchpoints to match existing coverage database entries to data entries in coverage spreadsheet (TXT or CSV) or XML files.


Matchpoints are used during coverage load to find coverage database entries only (Coverage updates).

Matchpoints are not used during coverage load to find bibliographic or checkin records (Catalog updates).

Alternate lookups can be used during coverage load to find entries in both or either the

  • coverage database (Coverage updates)
  • records (Catalog updates)

Matchpoints can be any field specified in the Coverage Spreadsheet Conversion Rules file. The default matchpoints are ISSN and TITLE.

The matching process in coverage load is:

  1. The system finds the values in the XML or coverage spreadsheet data entries that you have specified as matchpoints.

    For example, if ISSN is the first specified matchpoint and TITLE is the second specified matchpoint, the system finds the values for ISSN and TITLE in the XML file or coverage spreadsheet's data entries.
  2. The system finds the ISSN and TITLE values in the coverage database.
  3. The system attempts to match the values from the file or spreadsheet to the ISSN and TITLE values in the coverage database.

    If the ISSN and TITLE values of a coverage database entry match the ISSN and TITLE values of an entry in the XML file or coverage spreadsheet, the system updates the coverage database entry with the information from the file or spreadsheet.