Matching Existing Coverage Data with Alternate Lookups

Alternate lookups are used by the system during coverage load to match:

Alternate lookups use the ALTLOOKUP field specified in the Coverage Spreadsheet Conversion Rules file.

When a spreadsheet or XML file used to load coverage data includes alternate lookups:

The system matches a value in the ALTLOOKUP element of a coverage spreadsheet or XML file to:

Alternate Lookup: The Catalog Option in Coverage Load

For Catalog updates, the alternate matchpoint by default matches the value in the ALTLOOKUP field of the coverage spreadsheet or XML file to the value in the "o" index.

  • To match a different index in Catalog updates, contact Innovative.
  • The order in which the system uses matchpoints in Catalog updates can be changed. To change the order, contact Innovative.
  • To disable alternate lookups in Catalog updates, contact Innovative.

The Catalog update matching process in coverage load is:

  1. The system finds the ALTLOOK values in the XML or coverage spreadsheet data entries.
  2. The system searches the 'o' index.
  3. The system attempts to match the values from the file or spreadsheet to the index search results.

    If an index search result matches the ALTLOOKUP values of an entry in the XML file or coverage spreadsheet, the system updates the record field with the information from the file or spreadsheet.

    In Catalog updates, if multiple bibliographic records contain fields with the matching value, the system uses additional matchpoints to choose the record to update. If multiple bibliographic records contain fields with the matching value, and the system cannot determine from additional matchpoints which record to update, the system looks for checkin records linked to the bibliographic records. Checkin records, in turn, are soft-linked to resource records. If it finds a soft-linked resource record containing a RESOURCE ID that matches the PROVIDER of the coverage spreadsheet or XML file, the system updates the bibliographic record linked to the checkin record.
  4. If no match is made, the system attempts to use additional matchpoints.

Additional Matchpoints

In Catalog updates, if a match is not made on the first matchpoint, or multiple matching records are found, the system uses additional matchpoints. The order in which the system uses the matchpoints can be changed. To use the alternative order, contact Innovative. By default, coverage load:

  1. Matches the value in the ALTLOOKUP field of the coverage spreadsheet or XML file to the value in the index search results designated for alternate matchpoint.
  2. If no match is found in index search results for the value in the ALTLOOKUP field, the system attempts to match an ISSN from the coverage spreadsheet or XML file to the search results.
  3. If no match is found for the index search result in the value in the ISSN field, the system attempts to match a TITLE from the coverage spreadsheet or XML file to the index search results.

The system creates only one bibliographic record under the following conditions:

  • the system needs to use additional matchpoints
  • there is no match on the value of the ALTLOOKUP field
  • the file contains multiple entries with identical TITLE values but different ISSN values

This occurs because the system does not find a matching bibliographic record for the first entry when attempting to match on ISSN. Therefore, it creates a bibliographic record for the title. For subsequent file entries, the system does not find a matching bibliographic record when attempting to match on ISSN, and therefore matches on TITLE. The newly-created bibliographic record for the title is a match, and no further records are created.

If multiple entries in the coverage spreadsheet or XML file contain the same TITLE but different ISSN values (or the same ISSN value but different TITLE values), create bibliographic records for those entries manually before you load the coverage spreadsheet or XML file in Coverage Load.

Alternative Order

In Catalog updates, Coverage Load can attempt to match the value in the ALTLOOKUP field of the coverage spreadsheet or XML file to record fields in the following alternative order:

  1. ISSN
  2. TITLE
  3. index chosen for ALTLOOKUP matching

Alternate Lookup: The Coverage Option in Coverage Load

For Coverage updates, alternate matchpoint by default matches the value in the ALTLOOKUP element of the coverage spreadsheet or XML file to the value in the ALTLOOKUP field of the coverage database.

To disable alternate lookups in Coverage updates, contact Innovative.

The Coverage update matching process in coverage load is:

  1. The system finds the values in the XML or coverage spreadsheet data entries for the ALTLOOKUP element and the other elements that you have specified as matchpoints.

    For example, if ISSN is the first specified matchpoint and TITLE is the second specified matchpoint, the system finds the values for ALTLOOKUP, ISSN and TITLE in the XML file or coverage spreadsheet's data entries.
  2. The system finds the ALTLOOKUP, ISSN and TITLE values in the coverage database.
  3. The system attempts to match the values from the file or spreadsheet to the ALTLOOKUP, ISSN and TITLE values in the coverage database.

    If the ALTLOOKUP, ISSN and TITLE values of a coverage database entry match the ALTLOOKUP, ISSN and TITLE values of an entry in the XML file or coverage spreadsheet, the system updates the coverage database entry with the information from the file or spreadsheet.
See also:
Displaying Holdings Data from the Coverage Database