How the Catalog and Coverage Options Work

The Catalog and Coverage options of Coverage Load follow rules to update records and the coverage table with data in the imported file. The rules used by the options are explained below.

Processing Coverage Data with the Catalog Option


The Catalog option is available if your library has acquired ERM.

If your library has acquired WebBridge, but not ERM, the Catalog option in Coverage Load is not available.

When you choose the Catalog option in Coverage Load, the system updates your catalog (bibliographic and/or holdings/checkin records) with coverage data from the imported file.

The following diagram illustrates the catalog update process used when you choose the Catalog option.

If your library has acquired ERM, the system creates and updates bibliographic and holdings/checkin records from coverage data as shown here:

Processing Coverage Data with ERM

Before attempting to match existing bibliographic records by searching the title index, the system normalizes titles in the coverage spreadsheet according to these rules:

Processing Coverage Data with the Coverage Option


The Coverage option in Coverage Load is available if your library has acquired one of the following combinations of products:

  • ERM
  • Administration and WebBridge

When you choose the Coverage option in Coverage Load, the system updates your coverage table with coverage data from the imported file.

The following table illustrates the coverage update process used when you choose the Coverage option:

Scenario System Behavior
A single entry in the input file and a single entry in the database The system replaces all unprotected fields in the database with the corresponding fields in the input file.
Multiple entries in the input file and a single entry in the database
If no fields are protected from overlay. The single database entry is updated with the data from the first input entry. Each additional input entry is added to the database.
The Start Date is protected from overlay. The unprotected fields in the database entry are updated with the data from the first input entry. The start date is protected in the database entry. Each additional input entry is added to the database.
The End Date is protected from overlay. Each entry in the input file prior to the last entry is added to the database. The unprotected fields in the last entry in the database are updated. The end date is protected in the database entry.
Start and End Dates are protected from overlay. All unprotected fields in first input entry are updated. The remaining entries in the input file are skipped.
A single entry in the input file and multiple entries in the database.
If no fields are protected from overlay. The first entry is updated with fields from the input file. The remaining entries are deleted.
The Start Date is protected from overlay. The unprotected fields in the first database entry (the entry with the earliest start date) are updated. The remaining entries are deleted.
The End Date is protected from overlay. The unprotected fields in the last database entry (the entry with the latest start date) are updated. The remaining entries are deleted.
Start and End Dates are protected from overlay. The unprotected fields in all entries are updated.
Multiple entries in the input file and multiple entries in the database The first input file entry updates the database entry with the earliest date range. Subsequent updates are in date-range order until all entries are updated.

Additional input file entries are added to the database.

If there are more database entries than input file entries, the additional database entries are deleted.
There are no database entries and a single entry in the input file. The entry is inserted into the database with all input fields.
There are no database entries and multiple entries in the input file. All input entries are added to the database with all input fields.