Held Item Delivery Locations Table

To edit the Held Item Delivery Locations table, you must be assigned permission 687 (Edit Held Item Delivery Locations). If you are assigned permission 373 (View Circulation Parameters) but not 687, you can view this file but cannot edit it. See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

If your library has acquired the Held Item Delivery product, you can use the Held Item Delivery Locations table to designate locations as delivery locations. The system then allows patrons to have items mailed to these locations when they request items in the WebPAC.

You can access the Held Item Delivery Locations table via the following menu path:

Admin | Parameters | Circulation | Held Item Delivery Locations

For information on modifying this table, see Maintaining System Parameter Tables and Maintaining Circulation Parameters.

For more information, see Functionality Information and Data Elements.

Functionality Information

When viewing and modifying the Held Item Delivery Locations table, note the following:

Maximum Number of Entries
The Held Item Delivery Locations table can contain a maximum of 100 entries.
Use Unique Location Codes for Delivery Locations
Innovative recommends that you create unique location codes exclusively for use in the Held Item Delivery Locations table. For more information, see Setting Up Held Item Delivery.

Data Elements

Entries in the Held Item Delivery Locations table contain the following data elements:

Element Description
Ship To Location The location from the Branches table to which the item should be delivered for mailing.
Long Name A label of up to 256 characters for the location specified in the Ship To Location element. The system displays this label on mailing labels and in the WebPAC.
Amount The amount, in the smallest unit of currency (for example, cents), that the patron is charged for having the item delivered.
Note Text note to accompany the delivery charge (maximum of 27 characters).
Home Determines the address the system includes on the mailing label. If this element is set to 'y', the system uses the ADDRESS field from the patron record. If this element is set to 'n', the system uses the address associated with the Ship To Location.
See also:
Requesting Options
Held Item Delivery (WebPAC)