Printing Batch Labels

As you create new items or edit existing items, you can queue monographic labels to print in a batch at a later time. The task includes the following steps:

Copying File of Queued Monographic Labels to a Review File

  1. Choose Create Lists from the Function list.
  2. Choose an empty review file by selecting it in the list.
  3. Choose Copy.
  4. In the Select file to copy from dialog box, scroll to the end of the list and select the desired file of labels from those named Labels for batch printing for <username> (<# of records>).
  5. Choose OK. Sierra copies the file of labels to a review file.
  6. (Optional) Immediately after copying the file of labels, a dialog box displays the following message:

Do you want to remove the file copied from?.

Choose Yes to delete the file of labels.

Choose No to keep the file of labels.

Editing the Labels (Optional)

  1. Select the newly-created review file.
  2. Choose Show Records.
  3. Choose File | Print Sheet Labels or File | Print Continuous Labels. The available options depend on the setting of your Paper type for labels Database Maintenance option.
Align Paper in Label Printer

If you chose File | Print Continuous Labels, choose Align printer to align the paper in the printer.

  1. In the Print setup dialog box, choose Edit labels for printing to edit the labels.

Printing the Labels

  1. Select the newly-created review file.
  2. Choose Show Records.
  3. (Optional) If you do not want to print all labels, select the check boxes next to the labels you want to print.
  4. Choose File | Print Sheet Labels or File | Print Continuous Labels. The available options depend on the setting of your Paper type for labels Database Maintenance option.
Align Paper in Label Printer

If you chose File | Print Continuous Labels, choose Align printer to align the paper in the printer.

  1. In the Print setup dialog box, choose one of the following:
    • The Selected radio button to print only those labels you have selected.
    • The All radio button to print all labels in the file.
  2. Choose Print to print the labels.