Creating Reports

When a query runs, Statistics gathers data on all fixed-length fields in the specified database records. You select the fields to include in the report from the Select Report window. For queries on order records, you can create an additional column whose values are calculated from data in another column in the report. A Collection Development Report is also available for order record queries.

The query title, range processed, and information on the number of records processed appear in the window above the report. The text in this window is fully editable and is used as the header on all printouts. You can enter a maximum of five lines of text. If, during the course of gathering statistics, the system encountered records that were outside of the specified range, the fourth line contains an account. For example:

Periodic: 10000 records in range, 27 before the range, 31 after the range, and 7 with blank dates.

When you view a report while data accumulation is still in progress, the system provides the This report was 'In Progress' or 'Resumed' when it was loaded! message in the status bar at the bottom of the window.

Both the code value and the value's meaning are displayed. In certain cases, one of the following messages can appear in the Meaning column for that code:

Space Code      The field contains a SPACE character (" ") that is a valid value for the field, but there is no label associated with this value.
No Code      The field has a zero length code value (that is, no valid value is assigned to the field).
Bad Code      The value is invalid for the field. Possibly this value was once valid, but is no longer.

The following fixed-length codes do not have any meanings associated with their values; a '-' always appears in the Meaning column for these codes:

Record Type Field Name
Bibliographic SKIP
Bibliographic MARC

The All Fields report includes all fixed-length fields for which a non-zero value was accumulated.

Totals Row

The Totals row provides a simple sum of each column for reports in which it appears. No further calculations apply to this row.

Reports on Call Numbers

When reporting on the Call Number field in item record reports, the system looks for the call number in the item record itself. If the item record does not have a Call Number field, the system looks at the attached bibliographic record. If your library has acquired Holdings Records for Monographic Material, the system takes the call number from the holdings record if neither the bibliographic nor the item record has a Call Number field.

If your library has acquired Consortium Management Extensions and enabled Consortium Call Number Statistics, Statistics generates a separate call number report for each AGENCY value it finds in item records.

Call Numbers not in SCAT

If you select a report based on the Call Number field in either bibliographic or item records, the report includes a row for call numbers that do not appear in the SCAT table. Whenever the report is generated, the system appends these records to a system-generated review file. Separate review files are generated for reports based on bibliographic records and reports based on item records. These appear in the list of system-generated review files as:

Each time the report runs, these records are added to one of these two review files. To empty these review files, select Tools | Clear Bib 'Call # Not In SCAT Table' File or Tools | Clear Item 'Call # Not In SCAT Table' File, as appropriate. Note that if either of these two review files are empty, the corresponding Clear option is unavailable (grayed out).

If more than one call number range in the SCAT table maps to the same category number, the system displays plus signs ('+') to the right of the range. One plus sign is appended for each additional mapping. For example, if three call number ranges map to the same category number, the display includes two plus signs.

Order Record Reports

Columns displayed in an order record report are:

Record Count
The number of order records in the report.
The total number of copies contained in the set of order records.
Paid Copies
The number of copies that have been paid for in the set of order records.
Piece Count
The number of copies times the number of volumes.
Paid Piece Count
The number of paid copies times the number of volumes.
# Payments (or # <timeperiod>)
The number of payments made in the set of order records, either total or during a given period of time.
$ Payments (or $ <timeperiod>)
The amount spent for payments in the set of order records, either total or during a given period of time.
Est. Price (E*C)
The total of estimated prices in all copies in the set of order records.

For order record queries, the Budget Planning and Collection Development buttons are available while viewing the report. The menus for the Budget Planning and Collection Development reports are similar, but the Budget Planning option includes the Project future cost and Display Averages checkboxes. Future costs and averages are always calculated for the Collection Development report.

These options create a new column in the report in which the values are calculated from data in another column in the report. The new column is referred to as a derived column.

You assign a name for the derived column in the Column Name box. A default name, appropriate to the report type, is provided. From the Input Field drop-down menu, you can select the field or date range to be used as the basis for the projection in the Project (Input Field) by report.

  • The EPRICEc field is the result of multiplying EPRICE times the number of copies.
  • The Input Field drop-down menu selection has no effect on the Cost increase (decrease) factor reports.

The Save button initiates calculation of the data in the derived column and the Delete button removes the derived column from the report.

Budget Planning

In Sierra 5.3 and later, the Budget Planning feature is no longer enabled by default. Contact Innovative if you want to enable this feature.

The Project future cost and Display Averages checkboxes control the calculations performed to generate the data in the derived column. If neither option is chosen, the derived column contains a duplicate of the data in the input field.

Project future cost

This option fills the derived column with cost projections for a future period. These projections can be calculated by using one of the following formulas:

Use calculated rate based on Range 1 & 2

The system examines the data in the two ranges, computing the changed percentage, and multiplies the values in range 2 by this calculated percentage. The results are placed in the derived column.

Multiply calculated rate by

The system performs the same calculation as in the Use calculated rate based on Range 1 & 2 option, but multiplies the calculated percentage by the value you enter. The values in range 2 are then multiplied by this adjusted calculated percentage and placed in the derived column.

Project (Input Field) by

The system applies the percentage you enter to calculate the projected cost. For example, if you predict that inflation next year relative to this year will be 10%, choose this option and enter 10 in the box to its right. The system then multiplies all values in the input column by 1.1 and places these values in the derived column.

Negative Numbers

You can enter a negative number for the percentage in the Multiply calculated rate by or Project (Input Field) by options if the amount spent is projected to decrease from the first time range to the second.

Display Averages

The calculations performed by this option and entered into the derived column depend upon the input field selected (Range 1, Range 2, or EPRICEc) and whether or not the Project Future Cost option has been selected:

Project Future Cost Option Selected

  • Per Order - the projected value in the range or the EPRICEc (EPRICE times the number of copies) is divided by the number of records with payments in the range
  • Per Copy - the projected value in the range or the EPRICEc is divided by the number of copies in the range
  • Per Copy With Payments - the projected value in the range or the EPRICEc is divided by the number of copies with payments in the range
  • Per Payment - the projected value in the range or the EPRICEc is divided by the number of payments in the range
  • All Orders - the EPRICE divided by the number of copies with payments

Project Future Cost Option Not Selected (Date Range used as input field)

  • Per Order - the total of all payments in the range is divided by the number of records with payments in the range
  • Per Copy - the total of all payments in the range is divided by the number of paid copies in the range
  • Per Copy With Payments - the total of all payments in the range is divided by the number of records with payments in the range
  • Per Payment - the total of all payments in the range is divided by the total number of payments
  • All Orders - the EPRICE divided by the number of copies with payments

Project Future Cost Option Not Selected (EPRICEc used as input field)

  • Per Order - the EPRICE is divided by the number of records with payments in the range
  • Per Copy - the EPRICE is divided by the number of paid copies in the range
  • Per Copy With Payments - the EPRICE is divided by the number of records with payments in the range
  • Per Payment - this combination is not allowed (the system will present a warning if it is selected)
  • All Orders - the EPRICE divided by the number of copies with payments

Collection Development

In Sierra 5.3 and later, the Collection Development feature is no longer enabled by default. Contact Innovative if you want to enable this feature.

This option creates a new report on the library's collection development. The resulting report can be chosen from the Select Report menu. Calculations are the same as those for the Budget Planning report.

Formatting a Report

You can rearrange the report columns by positioning the mouse cursor within the column header and, while holding down the left mouse button, dragging the column to the desired location.

You can suppress any combination of columns or rows from the report. Select the row or column that you want to suppress and choose the Hide row and/or Hide Col button or, using the mouse, right-click a cell within the row or column you want to suppress and choose Hide Row or Hide Column from the popup menu. When a column is hidden, the header for the column on its left includes a vertical bar indicator to alert you that there is a hidden column next to it. Similarly, if a row is hidden, the header for the row immediately above it contains a horizontal bar indicator.

Whenever one or more rows or columns are hidden in a report, the phrase Rows are hidden, Columns are hidden, or Rows and Columns are hidden appears in the message tray at the bottom of the application window. To restore hidden rows and columns to visibility, right-click any cell and select Unhide all from the popup menu or choose the Unformat button and answer Yes in the dialog box. The current visibility state of all rows and columns is saved when the report is closed.

Printing a Report

You can print a report by selecting the Print tool at any time while viewing a report.

Exporting a Report

You can export a report in any of several formats for processing with another application. For example, exporting a report to a spreadsheet allows further manipulation of the data and provides the ability to save the results to the client PC in the spreadsheet's native format.

Maximum Saved Files

By default, you can save a maximum of 500 results files on the server, but Innovative can increase this number upon request. Be aware, however, that as the number of results files increases, the time it takes for Statistics to display the Results Files tab also increases. To conserve space on the server and to reduce the time it takes to display the Results Files tab, reports should be exported and archived in the exported format rather than archived on the server.

When you select the Export tool, the following formats are available:

Open in Excel

Writes the results to a delimited file and launches the client PC's spreadsheet application. By default, the format is tab-separated and the application is Microsoft Excel, but this can be changed in the login's Statistic settings. If a different spreadsheet application is specified, the wording of this menu option changes (for example, Open in StarOffice Calc).

Open in Word

Writes the results to a delimited text file and launches the client PC's word processing application. By default, the format is tab-separated and the application is Microsoft Word, but this can be changed in the login's Statistic settings. If a different spreadsheet application is specified, the wording of this menu option changes (for example, Open in StarOffice Writer).

Deleting Temp Files

You can configure Statistics to delete the exported spreadsheet or word processing file upon startup with the Delete the export temp files on application startup application setting in the login's Statistic settings. If you choose this option, you must use the spreadsheet program's Save As option to prevent loss of the exported report.

Print to a file

Converts the report to a text file and opens a file selection dialog box, prompting you to assign a name to the file.

Save as comma separated values (csv) text

The comma-separated format inserts the comma character between each column's data and terminates each row with a <CR> (Carriage Return, decimal value 13) and <LF> (Line Feed, decimal value 10). For example:

Col1Data,Col2Data,Col3Data, ... ColnData<CR><LF>

After the report has been converted to this format, the system opens a file selection dialog box, prompting you to assign a name to the file.

Save as tabbed text

The tab-separated format inserts the ASCII <TAB> character (decimal value 9) between each column's data and terminates each row with a <CR> (Carriage Return, decimal value 13) and <LF> (Line Feed, decimal value 10). For example:

Col1Data<TAB>Col2Data<TAB>Col3Data<TAB> ... ColnData<CR><LF>

After the report has been converted to this format, the system opens a file selection dialog box, prompting you to assign a name to the file.