Administering Statistics Settings

To use Sierra Statistics, you must be authorized for function 19 (Create statistical reports). See Authorized Functions for more information.

The settings menu for Statisticscontains settings options for the following:

Print Settings

When the Show row and column titles on each page of printouts option is selected, the row and column titles will print on every page of printed reports. If this option is not selected, row and column titles will print only on the first page of printed reports.

Report Settings

Use range notation for orders Range 1 and 2 column titles

If this option is checked, the name of each range appears in the title of columns that report on a date range. For example, a particular column title might be $ in 2002 when this option is selected and $ in Range 2 when it is not selected:

Show only the Totals in periodic reports

If this option is checked, periodic reports display only the composite totals in fields for each range rather than subtotals. For example, the first report excerpt below displays when this option is selected and the second report excerpt displays when the option is not selected:

Cross Tab horizontal title display

This option specifies whether the field code (e.g., "main"), field meaning (e.g., "Main Library"), or both display in cross tab reports.

Application Settings

Delete the export temp files on application startup

When exporting query results to a spreadsheet or word processor, Sierra Statistics creates a temporary file in the C:\Temp directory on the client PC, which is then opened by the spreadsheet or word processor application. If this box is checked, these temporary files are deleted whenever Sierra Statistics is started.


If you choose this option, you must use the spreadsheet or word processing program's Save As option to preserve the exported reports. Otherwise, the exported file(s) will be deleted the next time Sierra Statistics is launched on the client PC.

Export Settings

These settings specify which application to launch when exporting reports and the format in which the reports are exported. The three parameters for both spreadsheet and word processor exporting are:


Specifies the name that appears in the Select an export method dialog box. The defaults are "Excel" for the spreadsheet and "Word" for the word processor.


Specifies the character that separates the data elements in each row. The default is the ASCII <TAB> character (decimal value '9').


Specifies the filename extension appended to the temporary export file created when reports are exported to the spreadsheet or word processor. On some PC operating systems (most notably, Microsoft Windows), applications use the filename extension to associate files with the application that opens and edits them. The defaults are XLS for the spreadsheet and RTF for the word processor.

Accumulation Process Licensing

This setting determines if the user can start multiple data accumulation processes in a single session. The three choices are:

Accumulate in the background

If this option is chosen, the user can start more than one data accumulation process. Each process is launched as a new system process, taking a user license from the pool of licenses available to your user group. If a user license is not available, you will be so advised.

Always accumulate in the foreground

If this option is chosen, the user can start only one data accumulation process. This option uses your current user license to launch the data accumulation.

Ask each time

If this option is chosen, each time the user starts a data accumulation process, Sierra Statistics asks if the process should run in the foreground (which allows one process only) or in the background (which allows multiple processes by taking a user license from the pool of licenses available to your user group for each).